$40/Ticket (includes supplies, wine and appetizers) To Sign up for the tree: passcode 4PAWS To Sign up for the Pet: passcode 4PAWS Choice of one of two paintings – seating is limited, register early Bring your friends for a fun night of Painting with a Twist while supporting 4 Paws 1 Heart. Questions? Contact [email protected] P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/4/24 – On December 21, 2023 we posted about Pretty Girl and Tom Tom. They were found at an abandoned house and a kind man was trying to help with food and shelter. Tom Tom was severely matted and both had upper respiratory infections. After being treated for their infections, yesterday, they were tested, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered at Orion Animal Hospital. The matts were also shaved (as you can see by the updated photos. Unfortunately, their medical is not done. Both will need dental work and that has now been approved.

Hopefully, these babies will prove to be adoptable when all is done. Thank you to our many supporters for helping us make a difference. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/4/24 – RIP Daisy. The following is from our Board Member, Denise:

Thank you so much for helping with Daisy’s cremation. Brandon said that Orion Animal Hospital was amazing–even giving them a keepsake with her fur in it.

Daisy (named by her rescuers) was found on Wednesday evening covered in snow & ice, near frozen, under a box truck. He was rescued by Brandon & Kaytee Dwyer. They contacted me Wednesday night and I gave instructions on how to warm and administer fluids and food. After speaking with Diana and Brandon a second time it was decided Daisy was perking up a bit and was even taking food. I was to call Orion Animal Hospital in the morning for an appointment but despite doing better Daisy didn’t make it until her appointment.

Daisy was extremely tiny, skin and bones. Missing all but one tooth and was eartipped. We will never know if she was truly friendly or feral but what we do know is that she was warm, safe and knew love in her final hours instead of dying all alone on the street frozen. Thank you Brandon, Kaytee and 4 Paws 1 Heart for loving Daisy.

Our hearts break when we can’t save them all. Prayers for the many animals on our streets, especially with the oncoming winter temperatures. And, may God bless those who never turn their backs on an animal in need.- diana


1/3/24 – Pulled from a cold garage in mid October, 2023. Pepper was said to have had 3 litters in her short life. The babies appeared to be underweight and still nursing when they were rescued. We were happy to help everyone eventually get spayed, vaccinated as well as Pepper tested. Hopefully, Pepper was able to be socialized so that she could be adopted into a home; the rescuer was to find homes for the sweet babies. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/3/24 – Gracy, just a kitten, was left behind by their owners and rescued by Larry B. Larry asked for our assistance in getting her tested, vaccinated, and spayed. This was in late September. The appointment was delayed a bit for Gracy but she finally was seen at one of our partner veterinary clinics. She was vaccinated and spayed but was found positive for FeLV. Although, Larry had kept her separated from his cat, Rocky, he was concerned that Rocky may have contracted the disease. We offered to cover that testing also. Thankfully, Rocky was found negative for FIV and FeLV and was vaccinated. Larry will continue to give Gracy a home with love and care. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/2/24 – Nacho was born in a backyard in Shelby Township, one of many kittens born this year. Most have found loving homes and the remaining kittens and adults have been TNR’d. He was trapped at about 6 months and we didn’t know if he could be socialized, however, he showed promise and has been doing great with his caretaker. Cooper was one of many kittens that ended up with the Sterling Heights animal control this year. He was at risk of being euthanized, but his rescuer saved him from that fate. He has a home waiting for him after his neuter. Both Nacho and Cooper will be seen at Comfort’s Place this week to be tested, vaccinated, and neutered. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/1/24 – Wishing all of our friends a year filled with much love, laughter, and good health. Here is another happy reminder of the magic of our Village:

Hello everybody, and Happy Almost New Year!!!

It’s my turn to tell you why 4 Paws 1 Heart is so near and dear to my heart.

It was the polar vortex of 2019, you guys remember that? It was horrible! Somehow my sweet self was all alone outside at night and I got hit by a car and dragged myself up onto somebody lawn. I laid and laid there covered in snow, in pain, soooo cold and frozen to the ground . The humans of that yard found me and were able to free me from my frozen torture and took me to the nearest animal control. In the morning when the very kind animal control officer came in and saw the condition I was in, she rushed me to the emergency vet. I couldn’t see, hear or move when I got there. My pelvis was fractured in two places and my teeth were rotting, I was so scared. The blindness and deafness were temporary and likely caused by shock and the extreme subzero temps. That wonderful ACO contacted Chances mom and she contacted Auntie Di at 4 Paws 1 Heart. The remaining emergency bill was paid and I was stable enough to be transfered to Dr. Zs. My family picked me up at Emergency and promised everything would be OK. Afyer 2 days at Dr. Zs I was able to move around with all the amazing medical care I recieved there. It was determined I was 12yrs old approximately and besides my fractures which would eventually heal on their own I very badly needed a dental which I soon recieved.

It took me a couple years to really come out of my shell from my trauma. But now I’m going to be 17yrs old! I’m happy, playful, and very much loved by Chance, the Gang, my family and 4 Paws 1 Heart. Becuse of the generosity of many kind donors and the swift thinking of my finders and one very amazing Animal Control Officer I survived a horrible experience to become a very loved, happy healthy furbaby.

Please donate so another animal in need can get the medical care and love they need and deserve. Thankyou, sweet dreams and….

Happy New Year!!!!! – Denise

Denise’s birthday fundraiser for 4Paws1Heart P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


12/31/23 – As we end 2023, Bridgette reminds us of the difference the 4 paws 1 heart Village has made in the lives of so many animals. We wish our many supporters a very loving and prosperous 2024. – diana

Hi everybody, it’s me Bridgette! Mom’s Birthday Fundraiser is off to a great start and we’re so excited to try to beat last year’s total! I thought I would tell you my story so you can understand why 4 Paws 1 Heart is so dear to our hearts.

So it was 2015 mom got a call from a friend about a horrible hoarding situation. Moms friend thought I may be pregnant and could mom foster me and give me a safe place to have my babies. Of course mom said yes. Well, turns out I was just pleasingly plump .

But I did come with a host of other problems and was about 7yrs old then. Bad teeth, horrible earmites, extreme allergies and severe asthma. Mom thinks all were due to the horrible conditions I came from. I was lucky to get out alive (many of my friends did not )

There were many vet visits for all my ailments, especially my asthma. Lots of meds, lots of late nights and worry but 4 Paws 1 Heart was always, always there for me. I’m doing much better these days, my asthma is under control and although my allergies still pop up, it’s not near as bad becuse of all the good care I get at home and the great medical care I got early on when I was at my worst. Now, I’m part of Chances Gang (A Second Chance for Chance) and a treasured member of our family.

Mom says Im the sweetest, best door greeter, kitten wrangler and most precious little old lady she’s ever met! I love my life..please donate so others can live a long, happy, healthy life like me Thankyou for your generosity!

Denise’s birthday fundraiser for 4Paws1Heart P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


12/30/23 – On November 30 Kendall found 2 stray kittens, Hazel and Alice, (about 5 months old) in the Texas Roadhouse parking lot at 23 mile road, MI. She was able to capture them using a live trap, and then she set them up in her bathroom while she figured out the next steps. As so many who happen to come upon an animal in need,, Kendall and her husband weren’t planning on rescuing two kittens; they had just spent whatever money they had on home repairs. But, they couldn’t stand the thought of these very sweet animals trying to survive in the wild. Kendall and her husband decided to rescue them and make sure the kittens were in good health, vaccinated, and spayed and then try to find them a home. Kendall contacted several rescues/shelters without success and was advised that if they couldn’t find placement to just TNR them. But the couple just didn’t have the heart to put them back out in the freezing rain even if they were able to get them spayed. Kendall’s mom suggested that she contact 4 paws 1 heart which is what she did on December 4. Hazel and Alice were first taken into The Kitty Clinic to have a wellness exam, a fiv/felv test, and to get their distemper/rabies vaccines. One of the kittens has an eye infection and when that is cleared they will be spayed. Kendall reports that a friend may be adopting both — paws crossed. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080