Choose 4 Paws 1 Heart as your charity and just follow the directions:

All you have to do is register on with your phone number, then head to the nearest Rite Aid branch. Fill your prescriptions or shop your daily items. As you check out, use the phone number you registered and they will receive support from RXfundraising.


8/11/23 – I apologize for the multiple posts but the cases have been so overwhelming like no other year we’ve been in existence. I want to recognize Hammy. He was rescued in February, 2022 with another stray cat. He, along with the other cats, was a pretty bad shape and his poor ear appeared to have been infested with mites. His rescuer, Melissa, who we’ve worked with for multiple rescues, contacted us for help. Hammy, although a feral, was treated and Melissa decided she would not release him. Since that time Melissa shared her home with him and although never truly socialized, she gave him love. Over the past few months, Hammy’s health began declining and he was taken to the vet even though he was very difficult to trap — in the house!. This month, Melissa came home from work and Hammy was found passed away. Our belief is that the life of any living creature should be remembered at the time of death and so today we remember Hammy. May he rest in peace and be with our many fur babies who have passed before him. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

I love you my sweet Hammy. 

Thanks everyone for your kind words. His life was not long enough , and although I could not touch him, he was mine and I will forever miss him.- Melissa


8/11/23 – Here is the e mail I received on August 7, 2023:

“My next door neighbor and I have been feeding and caring for some cats . On Saturday I had noticed that our sweet boy (my kids and I and neighbor can pet him ) had thrown up clear fluid in my yard and then he walked across the street and laid in the bushes and didn’t come . On Sunday morning I went and checked on him . He ran off but was stumbling, falling and looked like he was walking sideways . He took off to another neighbor’s deck . We tried to get him out but unsuccessful . This morning he was in my next door neighbor’s shelter since last night . He won’t eat or drink and is softly growling at us . He only is able to flip his body to get into a different position. He also has something going on with his eye. Both my next door neighbor and I don’t have the financial means to get him to a vet . I don’t want him suffering . It breaks my heart to see him like this, can you help?”

We were able to get Black Jack into one of our partner vets the same day. He had fluid in his abdomen so the doctor couldn’t get a clear picture of his organs and he wasn’t quite sure what was going on. Black Jack was given fluids and meds and was to return in 3 days for a follow up. Yesterday he was seen again by the doctor. He does show some signs of improvement but is still having issues opening his jaw (his jaws appeared to have been locked when he was found). The doctor thinks Black Jack may have consumed something toxic and will be seen again today by the doctor. We will continue our efforts to help Black Jack. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

I was trying to post a video but here is a pic instead . He was slowly walking to the food. – Jennifer

This was Black Jack at vet yesterday . This was a huge improvement for him . He has been unable to walk and his body was so stiff and contorted . Not sure what is exactly going on with him . Toxicity or trauma . The Dr today re-reviewed his X-rays . He believes he had trauma to his spine.

If it wasn’t for 4 Paws 1 Heart this sweet boy would never of had a chance. I can’t thank this organization enough. – Jennifer


8/11/23 – who will be seeing one of our great partner vets at Five Mile Animal Hospital to be fully vetted — tested, vaccinated, spayed/neutered, and anything else needed. They were both born under the porch of their rescuer in Hamtramck, MI. Knowing the neighbor poisoned cats, she immediately brought them into her home. Having seen multiple dead cats in the alley behind her home, she was determined to save these two babies. Now they need to be spayed/neutered and vaccinated and we are thankful we can help. – diana

Your donations save lives and changes the world for so many. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Get ready for baking and cooking season!! Fall and winter are right around the corner!! When you get a Pampered Chef product you are getting the best! Plus your saving lives! All made in the USA

We’re running out of time. Check out the great products and help the many stray animals on our streets.…/permalink/2012811549070869/ P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


– for a fun evening at the beautiful Jimmy John’s Field in Shelby Twp, MI. Young, potential baseball stars, fireworks, great food, group photo, run around the bases and friendship. There is still time to purchase tickets. You can pay through paypal (as noted on the flyer). There’s only a few days left before the final count will go in. Hope to see you there. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

[email protected]


8/10/23 – Lovey was ‘unknowingly’ trapped in a garage for a few months without food or water. She was emaciated, dehydrated, and had a wound on her leg. She was seen at Five Mile Animal Hospital and was found in pretty good condition after what she had been through. Here is her rescuer’s report:

“So our little Lovey is 8 or 9 years old. Her liver enzymes are high but could be from not eating Her veins were really weak and they couldn’t get enough blood for CBD but were able to check liver and kidneys – kidneys are good. Snap test was neg. She only weighs 4.2 lbs. They Gave her sub q’s. Her temp is normal, chest sounds good.

Liver numbers may come down as she starts to eat more they gave me a couple of cans of recovery food for her. I need to take her back for more bloodwork after she’s eating/drinking more but it looks a lot better then I thought, thank God and thank you Diana!! – Gail”

Lovey will return for a follow up visit but we are confident that Gail will make sure Lovey finds the purrfect home. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/8/23 – Just a little over a week ago, we received a request to help a kitten found on the street who appeared to be very sick, lethargic, and with mucus running from his eyes and face. We immediately authorized treatment at one of our great partner vets, Five Mile Animal Hospital, and Tiny was examined and treated. Well, today, I received an update about Tiny from his rescuer and now dad:

“Tinys doing great! Still a little ways to go but she’s come so far. You could literally see the life come back into her.

She was too sick for them to spay and do vaccines, in another week she will be done with antibiotics. We can’t thank you enough for helping her through this – Brian”

Of course, once Tiny is completely recovered, we will follow through with her test for fiv/felv, vaccines, and spay. She will then be good to live her life in a loving home. In the photo you can see the ‘bubbles of mucus” coming out of her nostrils and when she was rescued; the last photo is what was sent today. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080