7/30/23 – This has been one tough Spring and Summer for our orphaned fur babies–heart worm, car injuries, amputations, enucleations, gun shot wounds, you name it. So your participation in our upcoming fundraisers will mean a great deal for the many needing our help. Make a difference in the lives of those who have no one else and have a good time in the process. There’s something for everyone! – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

[email protected]


7/28/23 – On July 20, Myka was found on the street with a broken leg and missing paw. His rescuer, Jamie, contacted All About Animals and they referred Jamie to us. I authorized Myka to be seen at Patterson Veterinary in Clinton Twp. and today Jamie sent this update: “Myka is home, surgery went great. They removed the leg and were able to neuter him. I have to bring him back in 2 weeks to get stitches removed. They said it looked like the leg was like that for a little while and he was in some pain. So it’s a good thing it was removed. I also was able to find a home for him. My mom is going to take him in after he is healed and better. She fell in love with him and I’m happy that he will have a safe and loving home. I want to thank you SO much on helping with this surgery. I would not have been able to afford it and I am so glad Myka is taken care of. Patterson vet is a great office to work with. I appreciate you all. – Jamie”

Without our supporters we could not continue to make a difference in so many lives. Thank you to the rescuers, our vet partners, and our donors. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


7/28/23 – Another friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart, was driving on I-69 and she almost hit him–standing in the middle of the highway. Another kind person stopped. He was able to pick up this baby and our friend, Sherri N., told him that she would take him in that she is a seasoned animal rescuer. Before leaving, they both looked for the mom but no other cats could be found. Freeway will be taken to the vet, spayed/neutered, tested, and vaccinated. Sherri will find him a furever home. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

4P1H Village Kittyroom kitty event! 1st Saturday of every month! He can be there! – Dee


7/28/23 – This 6-weeks-old baby was seen standing on a rock near the Detroit River at Erma Henderson park. Our friend, Patricia, a veteran animal rescuer, had been contacted by the finder in that the baby’s paw was in horrible condition. Patricia contacted us and, thankfully, the amazing staff at Orion Animal Hospital was able to get him in this morning. Fortunately, the baby’s paw was not broken but it was severely infected and covered in maggots. The baby was treated and will have a follow up appointment in a couple weeks. 4 Paws 1 Heart will follow up with all of this baby’s medical needs and when appropriate he will be looking for his furever home. His name is now Erma but that will change now that everyone knows he’s a boy. Little Erma is in great hands and if anyone is interested in adopting him when he’s ready, please contact Patricia at: [email protected] – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Thank you Diana for again stepping up to help this little guy. To see him in so much pain and misery just broke my heart. He is on the road to recovery thanks to 4Paws1Heart! – Patricia


7/27/23 – Kay Lynn was found during some earlier storms during the past couple of months and her rescuer thought she may have been hit by something. She was given a full examination including a test for fiv/felv, vaccinated, and spayed. She is healthy and nows lives with her rescuer. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


7/27/23 – This sweet baby, Greer, was found in an alley and rescued by a friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart. We were thankful to help her get tested, vaccinated, and spayed. With the sever storm we had last night, I just can’t imagine how frightened these poor stray animals must get. Thankful for the many kind independent rescuers we’ve met over the past 13 years (almost). – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


7/26/23 – This sweet baby, Kizmet, was one of 4 kittens accidentally run over by a hi-lo driver. The rescuer called our friend, Deb N., who contacted us. 3 of the babies were dead but Kizmet was still alive although his leg appeared to be broken/smashed. The mom of the kittens had been seen hovering over her babies but when the rescuer arrived she ran off. Our amazing friends at Orion Animal Hospital took Kizmet in immediately. Kizmet, at only .6lbs, had to have a section of her leg amputated. She is so tiny (as you can see), the doctor was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to be anesthetized. But the little trooper came through and is being cared for now by another great friend and animal angel, Emily K. This baby will need special feeding and when she is older and gains more weight she will need the rest of the leg amputated in that the doctor could only do so much because of her size. Sincerely!! God bless Dr. Zalac, her amazing staff, the angels who never turn their back when they see an animal in trouble, and those who fill their homes with love and care for the homeless. – diana

P.S. The driver of the hi-lo was devastated by this accident. And, the rescuer will be looking for the mom so that we can help her also.

Please, if you can, consider making a donation to 4 Paws 1 Heart. This has been an unbelievable week of serious injuries. We can only continue with the help of our supporters. Thank YOU.

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Kizmet is feeling much better today and is taking her tube feeds and pain medications like a champ! She’s making muffins in her blankies and purring as I type. Thank you to all involved for making her life possible! – Emily


7/25/23 – Found in a colony, obviously very sick. We were contacted by his finder who we’ve assisted with TNR and we were fortunately able to get him a same day appointment at Orion Animal Hospital. Unfortunately, before his rescuer could get him to the appointment, Prince, died in her arms. He died with love and is no longer in pain. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


7/25/23 – Trudy (now known as Rudy) update. Rudy had surgery yesterday with the amazing staff at Orion Animal Hospital. He is estimated to be about 8 weeks old and the doctor felt he had been in severe pain for quite awhile. There was already calcification in the eye which was causing the bleeding. Rudy’s eye was removed and he was also neutered during surgery. He is now on the road to recovery and will be looking for his forever home. Anyone interested should contact me at: [email protected]

P.S. We’ll post some new photos soon. Thanks for the prayers and donations right now would be very helpful!!

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


7/24/23 – Today is an obvious day for your prayers for the many homeless who need the help of an amazing village which includes our many supporters. Your donations make a difference to so many!!

This morning I received an emergency call about this poor baby, Trudy, who was found with her eye hanging out and bleeding. Thankfully, our very amazing partners at Orion Animal Hospital saw the photo from us and immediately said to drop her off. I sincerely don’t know what these poor orphans would do without the village of caring rescuers, veterinarians, and the donors who support 4 Paws 1 Heart. Thank YOU. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

7/24/23 – This is Trudy. She’s in surgery right now. Will update when I get news.