5/22/23 – First, we want to thank everyone who joined us on May 20 for our annual Bowling Fundraiser. A good time was had by all!! And, most importantly, everyone generously supported the many stray, abandoned, and abused animals on our streets.

A happy update for tonight from Amanda who saved Lady just before she was being transported to a shelter to be euthanized:

“Hi Diana! I want to thank you for everything that you’ve done to help Lady! This journey with her has been very challenging to say the least. Today is the hardest day of all by far! She’s leaving for her forever home! I am bawling my eyes out and rejoicing at the same time! As I’m packing up her things I’m trying to think of every reason not to let her go and reminding myself self why she should. I just wanted to thank you again and let you know that this is not the end for me. If I can help another dog or if you should ever need anything please think of me! Have a great day!Amanda & Lady “

Thank YOU, Amanda, and thank you to the many people in our communities who support the animals who have no one. Without you, these animals wouldn’t have a second chance at life. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


5/20/23 – Poor little Tater is now deeper in the throes of parvo. Please continue your prayers for him. We’re hoping to have a successful fundraiser tonight so we can help more with his medical. – Diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Hope to see you tomorrow night!! – diana

More great Raffle Baskets and events for our Bowling Fundraiser tomorrow night May 20 at Harbor Lanes. St Clair Shores. Join us for the raffles, pizza, and friendship. There’s also a couple of spots if the urge to bowl hits you.

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


5/18/23 – Fiona was born under the deck of her rescuer; this was the summer of 2022. Her mother had 3 litters under that deck and the homeowner tried finding help to trap. The homeowner, Gail, watched and fed the family and noticed, when Fiona was just a few weeks old, that she had a lump on her side. Over the months the lump got bigger. Finally, help was found for Fiona’s mom and on March 17, 2023 Gail took Fiona to All About Animals to be spayed and vaccinated and there the doctor advised that Fiona had a traumatic hernia. He was unable to do the surgery and that is when Gail contacted us.

Around the end of April, Fiona had her surgery, and Gail, now Fiona’s new mom, recently gave us an update. Fiona is doing great. She has the run of the house and prefers to sleep all day in her cat bed or by the front window watching birds and squirrels. She likes to be up at night and although she continues to be a little skittish, she is slowly coming around to being loved. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


5/18/23 – Although we try to be there for rescue organizations like Run Around Sue, veterinary hospitals, and first responders, the majority of our assistance is provided to what I call, independent rescuers or those individuals who, out of the kindness of their heart, care for cat communities and use what little money they may have to spay/neuter, feed, and sometimes house, those animals who, for whatever reason, could never find their furever, loving home. Patricia is one of those who we’ve been able to assist for nearly the beginning of our existence and here is her story on Starlite:

“Good morning Diana, I wanted to give you an update on Starlite who needed dental work at Patterson’s. First, I want to thank you with all my heart for helping us. Starlite had already lost a lot of his teeth prior to this, and long story short, he had all but 3 teeth pulled during this recent visit. And now, I have a new kitty! A little back story on Starlite….He came to me as a 4 week old kitten. He has been an enigma ever since. As a baby he refused to transition to wet food. I literally had to force feed him wet food for 2 months until he finally started eating kibbles. He spent his entire life refusing any wet or people food! He also had a habit of licking concrete! On top of that he developed Haws Disease, which effects the 3rd eye lid. For years I never saw his complete eyes cleared. And most of the time the 3rd eye lids would be red and swollen and cover over half of his eyes. Hence, he never got adopted and remained with me. He also suffers from anxiety and has separation anxiety to boot! He’s a trip! But the most loving cat in the house! Fast forward to the last few weeks. He had lost weight over a pound and a half, (also dealing with diarrhea), I told you he’s a mess, lol…..well…..out of the blue, he decided my chicken dinner looked good! Since then, he has developed the taste for chicken and turkey and it’s the mainstay of his diet and he has gained back over a pound of his lost weight! I boil up whole chickens and turkey legs just for him! This morning, while giving him his meds, for the first time in years I could see both of his eyes almost completely clear. I have no clue why, maybe the meds, maybe his new diet, but to say I am happy is putting it mildly. Bless you for all you do for us! -Patricia

A huge thanks to our many supporters. You Save Lives – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


5/18/23 – A report from our friends at Run Around Sue Cat Rescue about sweet Freddy:

“Ehren & Tina Drescher – Run Around Sue Cat Rescue

Rescued Freddy on 5//11/2023

For those of you not familiar with this sweet boy’s story, Freddy was thrown from a car in Flint, Michigan. Neighbors watched but we’re unable to get a license plate. One neighbor followed the cat and coaxed him into her yard. She set up a crate on her porch and started to feed him. The next day she noticed a large lump on his side and posted for rescue help. We came upon this post because we were tagged by many people. Instantly I wrote an email to Diana, 4paws1Heart asking if we could get help with this boy. Within hours we had an email, saying yes, and transport was set up and he was brought to us; that is when we found out what a sweet, smart boy he is. Literally, he listens and follows commands. This cat was loved very well. I don’t know how he ended up like this, but it sure wasn’t done by the one that loved him.

Update – Vet Visit 5/15/2023 –

Today was Freddy’s visit with Orion Animal Hospital. I’ll start off by saying he made friends with everyone. His injury from being thrown is bad. Dr. Zalac, Orion Animal Hospital, said that Freddy appears to be a young to middle-aged neutered male. He has a Huge hernia (hole) in the muscle wall on his left side which is allowing his kidney and abdominal contents to pop out under the skin. This could vary from a pretty simple surgery to something pretty complicated and difficult. She did say that his chest wall, heart, and lungs look good. 4 Paws 1 Heart approved his exploratory surgery on May 31. He is first on the cancellation list. As you can see in the photo, he was tuckered out after his trip to the vet. He was absolutely terrified traveling in the car. It didn’t occur to me that he would be until we were on our way. So needless to say he was so exhausted once we made it home. Thanks to 4Paws1Heart he was combo tested, labs, X-rays and vaccinated today so I think he will sleep well tonight. Please keep our boy in your prayers. It sounds like he’s going to have a very tough road ahead of him.

Please help 4paws1Heart continue to pay for these strays’ medical attention. This is a resource, that as somebody who rescues cats, is beyond needed. – Tina”

Although raising funds to assist the many stray, defenseless animals on the streets, is time consuming and sometimes difficult, the actual rescue of the animals is much more difficult and at times heart breaking. We absolutely admire the many animal angels who devote their lives (and money) to getting these sweet, abused animals off of the street. Thank you for your support. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


5/16/23 – Tater is a 12-week old puppy rescued in a nearby City with his litter mate. The white puppy, shown in the photo, became sick with Parvo Virus symptoms and died two days ago. Tater started symptoms the following day and Streethearts Animal Rescue was called for help by the rescuer. Tater is now with Streethearts and he is fighting for his life at a veterinary hospital. 4 Paws 1 Heart has made a payment towards his care and has asked Streethearts to keep us informed. May Tater’s little sibling rest in peace. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


516/23 – If you don’t, check out his story which started May 1, 2023. Well, his rescue mom sent me an update. Lenny is doing great and he is healing just like our doctor said he would. We are so very happy and thankful that we have such amazing veterinary doctors who work with us and will see these amazing animals and their rescues, sometimes, in a moments notice. Lenny’s mom has also arranged to have 4 Paws 1 Heart be one of the beneficiaries of a car show being held in Davison, Michigan which I will share in another post. In the meantime, here is our boy, Lenny, living the life he deserves. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


5/15/23 – On May 4 I received the following e mail:

“I have a beautiful feral female cat, Aruba, that went in for TNR this week but it was noted that she has a severe ear infection and severe dental disease. Her colony caretaker is expecting her back soon but I don’t feel that I can release her in this condition. I wanted to at least reach out and see if anything can be done for her. She is 6 years old, has been having litters of kittens her entire life. I was so happy for her to be spayed so she can retire from taking care of so many babies and finally be her own cat. She has a very kind man feeding her, good shelter and has a sister cat she mainly hangs out with. Her kittens were about 8 weeks old so they ended up being placed with a rescue. Aruba won’t allow being touched or picked up so I came out to TNR her & her sister. If there anything you can do I would be so grateful, my heart is breaking for this cat. I mainly fund my own TNR so I can’t afford any additional care for her like dental surgery but I want to help her if there’s hope. – Lisa Marie”

On May 10, Aruba was taken to one of our great partners, Patterson Veterinary Hospital, where, as Lisa Marie said, “Aruba received amazing care”. All of her teeth had to be extracted and she was treated for parasites. She was provided with meds as well as an injection for diarrhea and is reported to be doing great. She is staying with Lisa Marie until she can return to her caretaker. Here’s her photos from pre and post surgery. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080