4/24/23 – She is about 3 months old and on April 6 she was rescued by a good Samaritan. She was found in a plastic Rite Aid tote (with the lid closed) in a vacant lot in east Flint, MI. The finder was giving this puppy Pedialyte and it wasn’t making a difference and she was getting worse. On April 8, Streethearts Animal Rescue was contacted and they took her in. She was immediately taken to an emergency hospital where she tested Positive for the Parvo virus. She was extremely lethargic, vomiting and had severe diarrhea with blood in it. The care continued there and later at a different hospital that had 24 hour care. As the cost of her medical continued to rise, her recovery continued to be up and down. But, finally, she was there. The doctors believed she would fully recover and on April 16 she was discharged and went to live with a foster where she could be quarantined for 30 days. On April 16, 4 Paws 1 Heart was contacted and asked if we could help with the medical; we did. And because of a village of caring people, Grace will be on her way to a Second Chance at life. Don’t stop your prayers though. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


4/24/23 – He’s a senior cat; over 10 years old. He was rescued from the streets at the beginning of winter but hasn’t found a furever home yet. While playing with the foster’s small dog, Lou’s tooth was somehow knocked partially out. And, that, unfortunately resulted in it just hanging and bleeding. He was taken to a low cost clinic but they no longer do dental work. The rescue, Run Around Sue Cat Rescue, contacted us as they continue to work on their non-profit status and Lou has an appointment with one of our favorite animal hospitals. Thankfully, Lou, is being kept comfortable and safe. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Our supporters save lives. If anyone has updates, please post them on our facebook page. – diana

Please take a minute to see the before and after pic’s of those who have gotten a 2nd chance because of your support given to, “4 paws 1 heart”. Turn up the volume! Thank you so much! – Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Also facebook “4 paws 1 heart”


4/23/23 – Cheers to our Super Hero and Feline Mascot—-our boy Chance. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Holy cow Team, can you believe it’s been 8yrs ago today that we started my own SuperHero Facebook page??? Remember my SuperHero Clubhouse? When everybody got a new cattree and mom felt so bad becuse I couldn’t climb it back then so she made me this super cool SuperHero Clubhouse! Being your SuperHero friend the last actually 9yrs (for those who followed me on moms page before I got my own) has been an amazing journey! But the true SuperHeros have been all of you You’ve supported 4 Paws 1 Heart and our #KittysHelpingKittys Program which have allowed us to not only get all the vetting for those of us that are special needs around her, but have allowed us to help sooo many more!!!!

Over 100 kittens, cats, dogs, a skunk, 2 birds, annnd our possum friends. You’ve sent food, equipment, blankets, heating pads, pee pads, heated shelters, heated outside beds and waterbowls for homeless and feral kittys in the harsh cold weather. The food youve sent for #KittysHelpingKittys have helped us feed literally hundreds of cats, kittens and neo-nate bottle babies over the years and your donations of food continue to help us keep over 100 ferals, fosters, and stray cats and kittens hungry tummys filled right now! You’ve helped us find Forever Homes for the cats, kittens & pups we’ve taken in. You’ve even helped us choose their names! You’ve cheered us on, encouraged us, laughed with us, prayed with us and for us, cried with us over the losses and for those we couldn’t save. You are not just our Facebook friends, you have become Family to us and we couldn’t be more thankful for you. We love you all, thankyou for taking time out of your day to spend time with us…Cheers to the next 8yrs together!

Love Chance, Oliver, Bridgette, Muskrat, Trixie, Twyla, Carla, Bobbi, Star, Twinsie, Mom & Aunt Shelly






A Second Chance For Chance

Thankyou Auntie Di, Love you!


This HANDSOME fella was in today for his booster. Now he is up to date on all shots and 4 Paws 1 Heart will also be covering his Neuter scheduled a few weeks from now. Bohdi is now 104 pounds! 4 weeks ago he was only 90 pounds with every bone showing. His foster momma said he is doing amazing. Gina

Thanks to your support we can help stray animals like Bohdi! P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


I cannot believe I forgot Muffins’ Birthday! We made her Birthday April 5th because we don’t really know when she was born. Yesterday a couple fun items were delivered and she loves them! A birthday cat scratch box and another cat tree with a bed. We are waiting on a few more things to arrive.

Just a reminder that her surgery is scheduled May 23rd and we could really use some positive vibes. Thank you all for your support and if you are interested in helping towards her medical here is the link. – Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


4/21/23 – Koa’s amazing foster, Courtney, of Orion Animal Hospital reports: “Today is Heartworm Injection #3 for this boy. He is one tough cookie He has a village standing behind him full of prayers and positive vibes !

You got this !

A huge thanks to Courtney, the doctors of Orion Animal Hospital, and of course, our donors, who make our work possible. You can read Koa’s journey on our facebook through the search link or our website. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


4/20/23 – It was back in January when we were first contacted about Sweet Pea and posted her story:

2/20/23 – It was just after Christmas when I was contacted about a very sweet cat who had been hanging around a nursing home in Detroit. The staff had been feeding the cat but then the management said they could not longer feed her because the food was “attracting rodents”. Deb, Sweet Pea’s rescuer, was concerned because Sweet Pea had been use to being fed. Although Deb had a 17 year old cat of her own, she took the cat and brought her to a vet to be examined. The vet said she was healthy and vaccinated and dewormed her. Deb then contacted us to see if we would help with paying for Sweet Pea to be spayed and with placement. Deb said that she hade never met a sweeter cat. During the entire drive from Detroit to Bloomfield Hills, Sweet Pea just laid on her lap–she just loves to be loved. I authorized Sweet Pea’s spay and FIV/FelV test at Orion Animal Hospital and, lo and behold, the doctor advised that Sweet Pea was pregnant!! The doctor thinks she may have 2 or 3 kittens. So, now we wait. We are committed to Sweet Pea and her kittens and we are all praying that the kittens are not aborted and are born healthy. There is a concern that the kittens could be harmed because Sweet Pea had been vaccinated and dewormed during her first vet visit before we were contacted. But, happily, very lovable Sweet Pea is safe in a home awaiting the birth of her babies and Deb will keep me updated. – diana.

Well now Sweet Pea had her babies and they are all healthy and doing well. Sweet Pea is now ready for her spay and the babies are ready for the first vaccines and deworming. A huge thanks to her rescuer, Deb, for caring for the mom and now her babies. Deb reports that Sweet Pea is a great mommy. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


4/20/23 – Our bowling fundraiser is just one month away and the lanes are filling up. Get your spot/s today. It is always a great time with plenty of raffle baskets, 50/50 raffles, and just plain fun with people of like minds. We can fit up to 6 bowlers on a lane if needed. And, if you don’t bowl, that’s OK! We have pizza for everyone — just come and join in the fun and raffles. Fun and Saving Animals–What More Can you ask for? – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

4Paws1Heart Bowling Link


4/17/23 – The story of Jazzman (aka Jazzy) as told by his rescuer:

“He’s a boy and the sweetest kitty I’ve ever met — like holding a big beanie baby! So very gentle and very sick. I’ve been trying to save this kitty from the streets for a year and a half. He tried a couple of times to get in my trap and I figured out the trap wasn’t tall enough for him. So, after it slammed on him a couple of times, he wasn’t having it. Then on one of the big, windy, rainy days last week, he gave up! He would usually sit around the side of the porch while I put the food out. This day he was right by the dish and didn’t move as I walked up. He took a few steps and I bent down and picked him up. His body was so limp in my arms; so very weak. He meowed loud while clinging to me as if to say ‘help me’. I got him as his nails went into my shirt; I could barely get him down to the floor as he was hanging onto me and I realized there was something wrong. Thanks to 4 Paws 1 Heart (who knew I had been trying to trap this baby for months) for covering his vet appointment. It was found that Jazzy had been bitten in the head and had a severe abscess. He’s now been on antibiotics and I clean his wound 3 times a day. The doctor said that Jazzy would have died soon because the wound was so infected and was spreading throughout his body. So thank God I got him! It’s been about 5 days since he was taken to the doctor and Jazzy is slowly getting better. But he is getting lots of care, pets, and hugs! Jazzy is eating good and will go back to the vet for a follow up exam and to be neutered and vaccinated.

Thanks to God and 4 Paws 1 Heart that another kitty, very much in need, is saved. Please pray for Jazzy to make a full recovery. One day he will make the best family member. He is so very sweet and friendly and only about 1 year and a half old. He is beautiful! His marble coat is so pretty! He’s been through Hell! But now he has love and support! – Angelina”

I would say that Angelina said it all. Again, many thanks to those many people who never turn their backs on an animal in need. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080