1/14/23 – They were both rescued by two women who have applied for a non-profit status and have used their own funds last month to spay/neuter 24 cats.

Unfortunately, they came across Ozzy and Claus and just didn’t have the funds to cover what was needed medically.

Ozzy appeared to have a broken tail in that his tail was crooked. He appeared to be in pain whenever he was touched in the area. Ozzy was taken to one of our faves, Orion Animal Hospital, and x rays and blood work were done. The blood work looked good and the doctor decided to prescribe antibiotics and pain medication and see Ozzy again next week.

Claus, at just 8 weeks old, appeared to be fine and was taken for standard vetting — vaccines, testing, and neuter but shortly after he stopped eating and was ‘falling over’. He was also taken to Orion Animal Hospital where he was given oxygen. An ultra- sound and blood work was also done. It was determined that Claus had a severe upper respiratory infection. He also will be seen again this coming week. Please remember these babies, along with the many others roaming our streets, in your prayers.

During that same time, the rescuers tried saving two kittens but they were too far gone. They had been found pretty much frozen from being out in a recent snow storm. The lady who had contacted the rescuers for help had put them in the cage and left them for three days. By the time the rescuers got them, there was so much mucus covering their eyes, nose, and mouth, they couldn’t be saved. They were very small and very thin. So very devastating. But this is what so many of the animal angels go through every day and we are just thankful that because of our supporters we are able to be there when asked. – diana.

I think she was trying to help. She did bring them out of the cold and put them in a cage with blankets, had food n water. But not knowing better and no funds to take them to the vet, limited what she could do to help them. I just wish she had posted the day they were found. By the time we got them their eyes, nose and mouth were crusted closed. It was so sad! We really tried to save them. They were found 2 hours away and we relayed people to transport them. We were able to clean their airways and get them comfortable. They just were not strong enough. – Tina (Run Around Sue’s Cat Rescue) P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/13/23 – A friend of 4p1h, Tonya, rescued Blossom from a traumatic situation. It started with just 2 loose dogs running on her street. She called animal control to pick them up, but they never showed. When she got home from work, only one dog remained looking very sad, confused, and scared. For two weeks she attempted to find an owner without success. The rescuer believed that Blossom had been grazed with bullets or buckshot, although the wounds were pretty much healed. She asked if we could help with a doctor’s visit.

Blossom, thankfully, tested negative for heart worm. She was vaccinated and spayed and went back home with Tonya. Shortly after, Tonya contacted me worried because Blossom wasn’t eating properly. We were ready to authorize a visit to a vet. But then Blossom started coming around. Tonya thought that Blossom might have been depressed in that she seemed to love the company of other dogs when she was at the vet’s office.

Well, the happy beginning is that Tonya is now safe and happy in her new home with a new buddy. A huge thank you to Tonya and all that she did to save Blossom and get her into a loving home. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/12/23 – Last month, Courtney, from Orion Animal Hospital, called to ask if I could help out a homeowner who had a medical concern for an outdoor cat they had been caring for since they had moved in last August. It appears that the prior homeowners had been feeding the cat. The new homeowners named him Harley and think he is about 8-9 years old but they said he is very feral. Once the cold weather struck, they put a couple of shelters in the yard and one day they noticed blood in the shelter and in his food dish. They also said Harley was not neutered.

I authorized Harley to be seen at Orion Animal Hospital where a wound under his mouth was treated. He was also neutered and vaccinated and is now doing well. God Bless the many people like the Pickerings who see an animal in distress and take the needed action to help. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/11/23 – Join us for the ‘REAL’ Show Me the Money event where you get a chance to win cash. For those of you who joined us at the November 30th “Show Me the Gift Card” event, you will be familiar with this fun and fast moving game which is a little bit of bingo but played with a set consisting of 3 playing cards. $20 Wristbands will be sold at the door which will include food provided by the venue and 2 sets which will be good for the first round only. After the first round, playing sets will cost $1 for each set and will be unlimited. And, the more people in attendance, the more cash there will be in the pots. The pots will be split with 50% going to 4 Paws 1 Heart and 50% going to the winner/s for that round (for multiple winners, the 50% pot will be split accordingly). In November, 92 people attended so brush off those February Blues and get there early. Playing will begin at 7:00 pm. If you have any questions, please email: [email protected] P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


UPDATE: 1/13/23 – All 4 dogs were located in the early morning of 1/12/23. Members of the rescue were searching through the night and heard the dogs barking in an abandoned apartment building. They are now safe back with the rescue. – diana

1/11/22 – Courtesy Post for our friends at Make A Difference Rescue:

“4 dogs were stolen last night in Detroit from Make a Difference Rescue’s shelter. Willow, Jaxon, Holly, and Titus. Please share and help us get these dogs to safety. Location stolen from was Harper and 94. The surveillance cameras show there were three people and they were on foot – we did not see a vehicle. Food and bins were NOT taken. We need our dogs back. Call 248.703-0670, or the police if you find any of the dogs pictured below.. We are devastated to think of the hands they could end up in. We just walked into all of this early this morning. They broke a window to get in and then came out through the door leaving it wide open.

We are still waiting for the police to arrive, but first and foremost is getting our dogs back to safety. Please be on the lookout and share this post. We are in the process of getting them all posted to the lost and found sites.” P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/10/23 – This is Hans (black and white) and Princess Leia. They were rescued by two people whom we’ve worked with in the past. In the process of doing outreach they discovered these two very wounded dogs in an abandoned house in Detroit. They both had multiple injuries, old and new. The rescuers cleaned their wounds as best as possible. Hans looked like he had bite marks all over his face and legs and his lip was torn. He also had what looked to be burns on his face. Princess Leia had a recent eye injury that appeared to be a bite along with some older bit wounds and her neck was swollen from an imbedded collar. The rescuers found a rescue group to take in both dogs but the group could not afford the potential medical needs and that is when we were contacted.

Hans and Leia were taken to a veterinary clinic by the rescue (Paws, Awes, & Claws) where treatment for the wounds was given. But, Leia was found to be in heat and Hans was found to be positive for heart worm. That is when we stepped in with one of our partner veterinary clinics. Leia has been spayed and vaccinated and Hans has started his pre-treatment for heart worm. When that is completed in 30 days he will be treated with the heart worm injections and when appropriate he will be neutered and vaccinated. The rescue will be seeking a furever loving home for these very abused but very sweet dogs.

And, without the support of so many animal advocates, we could not make a difference in so many lives. So, again, thank you. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


1/9/23 – Their owner was evicted and her new landlord wanted nothing to do with cats. Fortunately, a rescuer, whom we’ve helped often, was able to find a foster and Miley and Baby will be spayed, vaccinated, and tested with the help of 4 Paws 1 Heart. They both look like babies but they are said to be 5 years old. Their rescuer later learned that there was also a male cat in the home and we are all hoping neither is pregnant. The rescuer also learned, after finding soft lumps on Miley that she had kittens last September. I did ask if anyone knew what happened to the kittens. But, for now, these little ones will be safe and never able to reproduce again. – diana. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080