CHANCE: Well Team, here it is…the official adoption photo of Jax now known as Petey and his human sister Hannah!!! That was a very short foster-to-adopt period. It didnt take long for everyone, including Petey, to realize he was home to stay. His family says he’s the sweetest boy and hes a purrrfect fit
. We are soooo happy for him becuse his family is sooo nice and have been ongoing and generous supporters of both 4 Paws 1 Heart annnnd #KittysHelpingKittysFoodPantry which means we will get lots of pics and updates!!! Annnd they have 2 awesome businesses! Peteys mom Suzanne has an Etsy shop and makes beeeeauuutiful custom made lampshades so hop on over to and take a look. Annnd if you are in the City of Rochester area pop in and say hello and take a look around at the very stylish LeConte Men’s Clothiers!

Huge thankyou to 4 Paws 1 Heart for backing all Peteys medical and thankyou to the Browe Family for choosing adoption and especially for choosing our boy!
Way to go buddy, we love you!!!