Orange Kitty

2/12/25 I wanted to update this morning that our very generous supporter is offering an additional $1000 towards the Valentine’s Day match! Therefore, every donation made from now until Feb 28th will be doubled. We are incredibly grateful for her kindness especially during this time, where it feels like the need never ends.

This is “Orange Kitty”. He is a very sweet cat found outside that unfortunately was diagnosed with feline leukemia. He is having trouble swallowing due to what the doctor thinks might be a stricture, or, nerve issues with the muscles that help with swallowing. These problems might be secondary to the leukemia, but the only way to do further testing is at a specialty practice using fluroscopy and imaging like an mri.

We don’t have the kind of funds needed for that testing. The rescuer would like to make him a permanent part of her family understanding that his time is limited.. Her kids have all fallen deeply in love. She is feeding him a special, very expensive food while elevated, which seems to help prevent the choking.

If anyone is willing to donate food, please let me know and I will give you the name of it. It’s the same food I used for Muffins’ when she was very sick.

If Orange Kitty begins to decline they are prepared to humanely euthanize, but for now they want to give him the most love and comfort until his last days.


Save a life this Valentine’s Day

Happy to Help Richie, the Injured Stray

2/11/25 I’m happy we were able to help this injured stray now named “Richie”. It takes a village of caring people working together. If you are interested in adopting please contact Rosie’s Kitty Catfé .

P.S. Don’t forget that your donations will be matched up to $2,500 until 2/28/25.

P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080

I Hardly Even Knew You, But I Will Never Forget You

2/10/25 – A few days ago I received a desperate cry for help from a woman who found an injured stray. Upon x-rays the doctor quickly discovered the cat had a crushed pelvis and was bleeding internally. The kindest thing to do was humanely euthanize. The woman tried to get help for 5 hours before contacting me. She even sat in the parking lot of another hospital.

The reality is, unless you can pay for everything needed the animal will suffer. That is why 4 paws 1 heart was born. People don’t have the funds for their own pets let alone a stray. We are fortunate to have supporters to allow us to continue our mission and we are very grateful for the staff at Moore Veterinary Hospital who didn’t hesitate to squeeze this suffering animal into the schedule.

Here is her message. “This is a locket of fur from Sweet Baby, a black cat I seen up in the grass on the side of 9 mile road. I was able to get a hold of him for treatment with the hopes that he would have a chance at a better life and adoption after healing. Unfortunately, we had no clue that his fate was already sealed. I would like to give the biggest thank you to 4 Paws 1 Heart. I wasn’t able to afford the bill for his treatment and when I reached out to Miss Gina she responded back to me right away, and I was able to get Sweet Baby into a hospital. I did not get a picture because I thought he was going to come out of there, but a locket of fur was saved for me. Although I was not able to save his life, I am very grateful for the locket, and it will remind me that he did not die slowly, suffering in pain, alone in the freezing cold. During his last hours I was able to give him some tuna, some warmth, and companionship. My heart is broken. I hardly even knew you but I will never forget you. Love Ray”

Baxter Update

2/8/25 Baxter Update. A crew from a fire department in Detroit was taking care of this stray kitty, who kept wandering in and out of the department. One of the guys named Leo, had a soft spot the stray said he’d love to take him home, but was afraid of how he would do since he was an outdoor cat. One day, the kitty now named “Baxter” showed up with severe trauma to his right eye and it needed to be removed.

We were contacted for help and offered to pay for surgery, neutering and vetting. Baxter is now living his best life with the firefighter and he has no desire to go back outside ever again.

Here he is in this updated photo giving a nice long stretch for the camera. Gina

His New Name is Albert

2/4/25. His new name is Albert which totally suits this handsome boy. He was brought into a local vet hospital after showing up at someone’s door during the frigid temperatures that we had. He was desperately crying to come in and had gotten into a fight with another cat outside. There were scratches all over his face, side, and neck. The rescuer suspected he was dumped. No microchip, not neutered, and no one came looking for him.

We offered to help get him examined, neutered, and vaccinated. His rescuers fell in love and decided to give him a forever home inside where he belongs.


Pooh Had His Entropion Surgery

1/31/25 – To close out January–a Happy Update but first:

11/25/24 – On October 31 we posted Pooh’s story. He was found on the street by a friend of Brooke’s. The friend took care of having Pooh vaccinated and neutered but it became obvious that he had something wrong with an eye — it turned out to be a condition called entropion which will result in blindness. The friend could not afford this and Brooke decided to take him in and ask us for help.

Pooh had his surgery and this past Friday Brooke sent us the following update: “Living his best life we moved to a bigger home and he’s loving it with his kitten brother 🩷 – Brooke” Today his new mom advised that Pooh has gained 4 lbs. since his rescue and is now the “King of the House”. Here are some photos of Pooh’s journey. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Scottie, a Neighborhood Stray

1/30/25 – Scottie, a neighborhood stray, is said to have been thrown out by his family when they were evicted from their home. A good Samaritan, Shannon, had been feeding him but one day he showed up looking as if he had a face wound (although it looks like he is bleeding from the eye, it wasn’t); she could also see a small chest wound. Eventually she was able to get within 20 feet of him and catch him. Shannon brought Scottie (named after her uncle who also was “a rascal”) to a vet where he had two visits to treat his wounds and an upper respiratory infection but he still needed full vetting and she did not have enough funds to cover that. Shannon had Scottie in a large crate in her basement while he was recovering and hoped to make him her inside pet once he was tested for fiv/felv, vaccinated, and neutered.

We authorized Scottie to be treated at Five Mile Animal Hospital. Today Scottie is being tested, vaccinated, and neutered. We hope that Scottie will learn the value of being a family cat and be fully recovered soon. – diana

Jack is Scheduled for Eye Surgery

1/29/25 – It was January 3, 2025 when I was contacted by Julie who is with Kitty Kat Rescue. Jack had showed up at a cat colony which had a caretaker. The poor kitty, at 16 pounds and intact, was being picked on by the other cats in the colony and his food was being eaten by the others.

The owners of the colony said they thought maybe he had something wrong with his eyes so Julie agreed to take him in and once Julie had him she thought he was partially blind and also thought he had the “eyelid condition where his eyelashes are scratching the corneas”. She estimated Jack to be four or five years old and said he is a little teddy bear. Julie did take him to All About Animals where he tested negative for fiv/felv and he received his rabies vaccine. But she did not have the funds to take care of his eye issues.

Jack was seen by one of the veterinary doctors at Orion Animal Hospital where it was determined that Jack does have entropion of his lower lid. Again, this is a condition where the eyelashes have grown into the eye and if left untreated, will result in blindness. Jack is scheduled for surgery which will include neutering and a distemper vaccine. He will be looking for his furever home but is safe and happy in the mean time. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Baby Boots

1/27/25 – Baby Boots, about 9 months old, showed up at the right house in early December. The family took her into their home and contacted us to see if we could assist with getting Baby Boots tested, vaccinated, and spayed. Baby Boots was taken to our partner veterinary hospital and her rescuer made sure she was microchipped so she would never be homeless again. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080