A declawed kitty who was “cruelly abandoned”

9/2/24 – An independent rescuer, Barbara, whom we’ve helped in the past contacted us on August 12 about a declawed kitty who was “cruelly abandoned” and left outside by his owners.

He had several injuries from being preyed on by other animals. We were asked to help. Graham was seen at Orion Animal Hospital where he was treated with an antibiotic shot and a cortisone shot! He received his vaccines and was also treated for diarrhea.

Graham and Barb sent their ‘thank you’ to all who made this possible. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Abandoned by Owners, Ace Gets Needed Medical Treatment

8/21/24 – On August 18 I received the following e mail from Lindsey: “I am seeking assistance for medical care for a stray cat in my neighborhood. His owners lived in the motel around the corner and abandoned him once they got a new kitten. It doesn’t seem they treated him very well. Now something has happened to his hind legs and he is in a lot of pain. I don’t see any exterior lacerations but he won’t let me touch or get a good look at them either. I am going to take him to the vet but I really can’t afford to pay for it as I’ve already spent $3000+ on vet care for my own animals this year.”

Ace was seen at one of our partner veterinary clinics who performed blood work and treated him for an eye infection, ear infections and pain. The doctor said he did not feel an e-ray was needed for the leg issue and believed the cause could be a sprain or arthritis.

They gave Lindsey eye drops, ear drops, antibiotics, and a supplement to give him everyday for the next 2 weeks. The pain injection should be good for 4 weeks. There will be a follow up appointment and when appropriate we will complete our commitment with a snap test, vaccines, and neuter. Paws crossed. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Bambi & the Mobsters – Bambi, pregnant when rescued, has 9 babies

7/19/21- WARNING – If you are or ever have been a ‘mobster’, please don’t take offense at this post. (haha)Meet the Mobsters. Bambi (mama) was rescued from an area inundated with dumped/stray animals. Unfortunately, the area is near a mobile home park where our experience has been the same no matter where that park is. The area is also on a very busy main street which poses quite a danger to stray animals. Bambi was pregnant at the time. Our dear friend, Debbie, rescued Bambi and our other dear friend, Deena, took her in to have her babies. And, boy, did she have them — NINE babies. Here is Bambi, and her babies Fat Tony, Guido, Capone, Bugsy, Clyde, Dilinger, Bonnie, Doll Face, and Baby Face Nelson. Everyone will be getting their make overs tomorrow and will be ready to find their furever homes. These photos are when they were a little younger but they will be with our very good friends and Ferndale Cat Sheter at Catfe in case you are interested. A huge thank you to the rescuers, vets and staffs, the fosters, and especially our donors who have made this possible in a year where most non-profits have been struggling. God Bless Everyone. – diana

Trap/Neuter/Release – It Takes a Village

7/17/21 – These kitties will never be responsible for the over population of kittens again thanks to a wonder group of volunteers attempting to TNR a colony of 20-30 cats, a veterinary in the Lansing, MI area, and some help from 4 Paws 1 Heart. Here are some of the ten we helped with. Your donations and your attendance at our fundraisers save lives!!! – diana

Walter – Update from His Foster Mom

7/14/21 – Walter Update from our good friend, Melissa. Please remember this sweet boy in your dreams. Also, please remember to maintain your pet’s/pets’ vaccines and prevention. – diana
We are a week post first heartworm injection. Walter is doing well. The first day was torture – he cried all night after I picked him up. We added some pain meds and he turned around pretty quickly. He is on complete rest until his treatment is over which is another 53 days (but who is counting)? He gets a second and third shot (deep into his back muscles) 28 and 29 days after the first. Then it’s 30 more days of complete rest while the heart worms die and his body breaks them down and absorbs them.
He is naturally a really calm dog so we don’t have to crate rest him (plus he goes crazy in the crate). The steroids, pain meds, and gabapentin have made his walking much better also so I don’t have to carry him as much. He loves to chew bones so those have been a great help in keeping him less bored.
My heart breaks for this dog and the treatment he has to endure. It has made me less complacent about ensuring Nali and Jonas get their treatment on time each month.
Here are a few updated pics…

Porter – Births 9 Babies; One Stillborn

7/14/21 – It was June 20, 2021 when we were contacted about Porter. She was part of a cat community and the caretaker said that she had almost died after having two pregnancies. Porter is very small and her babies had been very big. Our 4p1h friend, Christina, was contacted and she then contacted us. First Porter was taken to one of our partner vets to determine her pregnancy status and to determine how many kittens were to be born and whether it would be best for a C-Section. 7 kittens were seen at the time and it looked like she was close to birthing; a c-section was not recommended. On July 13, Porter had 6 babies by 4 a.m. By 8 a.m. the expected 8th baby did not come out so we were ready to authorize an x ray to see if a baby was still in there. At 10:43 a.m. a stillborn kitten came out followed by a living baby. This poor mama!!!! Today she is doing well and caring for her babies. Porter will never have another litter in that we have committed to her medical care after she weans her babies. We have also committed to her babies. Anyone interested in adopting anyone when they are ready, should contact Christina at: [email protected] – diana
“There’s nothing quite like a mother’s love, and moms from the animal kingdom are no exception. ” – Unknown
May be an image of dog and cat

Randy – Found Under a Mattress with Other Debris at the Roadside

7/14/21 – Meet Randy. Friday (July 9) night a young man found him partially under a mattress with other debris at the roadside. He stopped, called 911 & then Streethearts Animal Rescue was called. The injury is not new & the poor, young dog was in so much pain. Streethearts took Randy to a vet the following morning where x rays were taken. There was a concern that his leg was fractured. Fortunately it was not but he had a severe abscess in the joint that had to have a draining tube inserted. He stayed with the vet while that was being completed. He was given antibiotics for a severe infection, pain meds and was tested for heart worm. The doctor thought he might have been in a dog fight 10-14 days ago where the wounds were inflicted. As with so many rescues, Streethearts has been inundated with serious medical cases and we were thankful that we could pay Randy’s bill. Anyone interested in adopting Randy should contact Streethearts Animal Rescue. – diana

Tommy – Caught in a Car Engine

7/13/21 – Tommy was caught in a car engine and was found with a bloody head and damaged ears. He also had an upper respiratory infection which delayed the ability to perform any surgery. Tommy was very feral and the delay to get him treated and neutered was very challenging for the rescuer. But finally everything was completed and Tommy is now in a sanctuary, never to be on the streets again. – Diana Rascano4paws1heart.org/donations/
May be an image of dog and indoor

Oliver – One Ear Severely Infected and the Other Ear Filled with Mites

7/13/21 – ‘She’ was called Bella, then Penelope, and then she finally got to the vet and everyone learned ‘she’ is an Oliver. Oliver was found on the streets with one ear very infected and the other filled with mites. Both conditions were treated but the first vet believed the infection was the result of a polyp although he could not perform the surgery. Oliver is scheduled for the polyp surgery and neuter this Friday and it will be performed by Dr. Zalac at Orion Animal Hospital. Dr. Zalac did say that the polyp could return after removal. Oliver’s foster mom may be a ‘failure’ and she is fully aware of the potential. Oliver is one very handsome boy. – Diana Rascano
May be a closeup of cat

Coco – Living the Life After Medical Assistance from 4p1h

7/12/21 – Coco was rescued in 2018 when a kind couple saw her getting hit by a car and being left for dead. Thankfully, the couple stopped and brought her to a vet hospital nearby. She was only 8 weeks old and weighed only 3 pounds. The family has been wonderful in updating us often so that all of our supporters can see what a difference their support makes. In the collage, the top picture is when Coco was rescued, the lower left hand photo is Coco at 6 months, and the third photo is of her on her one year anniversary of being saved. Coco is truly living the life. – diana