See them live at the Corktown Music Event (Detroit) next weekend benefitting 4 Paws 1 heart P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Thank you Detroit Music Awards for the love! We appreciate the final ballot nominations for:
Outstanding Heavy Rock Group
Outstanding Live performance
Outstanding Vocalist (Mike Alexander)
Outstanding Percussionist (Kristin Lyn #thunderqueen)
Outstanding Guitarist (Eric ”EZ” Myers)
We dropped the ball this year and failed to submit our amazing bassist, Nathan Miller into the ring- but he is tops in our book!!
Come see us LIVE at our next local shows: Corktown Music Fest – Saturday, March 4th at 2000 Brooklyn 10:30pm set timeand
Saturday, April 29th at The Parliament Room at Otus Supply (who is also on the final ballot for Outstanding Local Venue—congratulations!!) – Warhorses / Conan Neutron & the Secret Friends / White Gold Scorpio