8/27/23 – This past week I received the following e mail:

“’Im looking for help in finding a vet and resources for a cat that was left outside a pet store where I volunteer to care for rescue cats waiting for adoption. This sweet little cat was left in a carrier with a note attached stating she is pregnant and was abused (see attached). I took her home to give her a safe place with all the food and water she wants. Her previous owner has been contacted and the sad fact is Ivy hasn’t had much of a stable life.

She’s just over a year old, her littermate was killed in the home by a dog, she was re-homed to another person and that was who dumped her after about 6 weeks. She is very thin, she has many shave marks from electric clippers all over her body and her whiskers were cut on one side. She appears to be pregnant.

Despite all of this, Ivy is affectionate, sweet, and loving. She just needs a little help getting through this so she can find a loving home where she can know love and security. Can you help me find a vet that can make sure she is and remains healthy? – Erin”

Fortunately, we were able to get Erin and sweet Ivy into Orion Animal Hospital where the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. In fact, Ivy is expected to have her babies any day now. With the exception of Ivy’s physical appearance and the obvious proof she had been abused, Ivy appears to be healthy. Erin is preparing herself to monitor the births and will let me know if anything is needed. This will be Erin’s first experience with a pregnant cat but I told her that the great staff at Orion Animal Hospital (which she absolutely loved) would be happy to answer any questions she might have. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Thank you to everyone for the encouragement and kind words. Ivy is safe and warm. She has as much mother/kitten food as she wants, clean blankets and a bed, a private nesting area for her to have her kittens, and most of all she has love and affection.

I am nervous but excited to help this sweet soul bring her kittens into a world where they will all know kindness. – Erin


8/25/23 – It began August 7 when I was contacted by one of Black Jack’s caretakers. He was a stray who was fed by Jennifer and her neighbor. Jennifer noticed that Black Jack was having difficulty eating and drinking and was getting weaker each day as she sought a rescuer for help. She was able to get info one of our partner vets that same day. The doctor advised that Black Jack had fluid in his stomach and couldn’t get a clear x ray. He was given medications and Jennifer was told to return in 3 days. Upon returning, Black Jack still couldn’t open his jaw and Jennifer had been syringe feeding him. The doctor thought that Black Jack was suffering from a toxicity but did seem to improve somewhat. The next day Black Jack returned to the vet. There was no longer fluid in his stomach but in reviewing the x rays, the doctor now believed Black Jack had suffered a trauma to his spine. The spine wasn’t broke but it was thought that someone had done something to him to cause the trauma. Jennifer had been keeping Black Jack in a crate, free to roam and finally he began to start walking, a little wobbly, and he seemed to be interested in food. A week later, Black Jack again returned to the vet where he was given more steroids and muscle relaxers. The doctor thought Black Jack would recover but it would take awhile. At that point, I offered to have Black Jack seen by another doctor for a second opinion; an appointment was scheduled. But, unfortunarely, yesterday afternoon, when Jennifer went to feed Black Jack, she found that he had passed away. Jennifer had just lost another furbaby in April and to say her heart is broken is an understatement. Too much sadness but it’s important for people to know what is happening on our streets every day. If only would could save them all. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

This was Black Jack in May. He was an outdoor cat that my neighbor and I took care of since he was a kitten . He was a lovable, sweet,handsome boy who was loved . My heart is shattered . Trying to wrap my head around why he was taken at 16 months old. At least he didn’t spend the last couple weeks outside suffering . He had a warm and safe place to sleep,he was fed, he knew so much love before left this earth . I miss him terribly .

RIH my sweet sweet boy. – Jennifer

I’m going to miss him so much. It has been so hard watching him go through all that. From how he was. Now that he’s gone I have a broken heart also. BlackBlack is what I called him he was my boy also. I loved him very much. – Jaclyn


8/24/23 – It was yesterday when Dawn again contacted us about another of her furbabies who are members of her small cat colony. His name is Elliot. Elliot had been ‘dumped’ at her house about a year ago and quickly was able to fit in with the other community cats. He became a fast friend of Tipper. But, again, Dawn was faced with the fact that she had another very sick cat in her colony. The signs came on quickly, lethargic, throwing up bile, didn’t want to eat. An appointment was made for him to be seen at Orion Animal Hospital today but, sadly, he just passed away before he could get there. Again, Elliot crossed the Rainbow Bridge in the arms of his loving caretaker. He is now in peace and no longer in pain.

Please remember the many rescuers, community caretakers, and animals on our streets when you say your prayers tonight. We all do what we can and your support does make a difference even when it means a peaceful passing to the next journey. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/24/23 – Sorry for the Sad News lately but it truly has been a heartbreaking couple of months for the many animal advocates in our communities.

In the past month, our friend, Dawn, who cares for a small cat colony and whom we’ve helped with medical treatment, has lost two of her furbabies. Last month, she contacted us about Tipper who was born in her garage while the mom was waiting to be taken to All About Animals for ‘tnr’ She’s 6 years old now. When Dawn contacted us on July 23 she said that Tipper was very weak and lethargic, and had barely eaten in 4 days. Tipper was being treated with sub-q fluids but it wasn’t helping and Dawn was fearful that Tipper had FIP or FeLV. Dawn mentioned that we had Tipper’s mother and both her brothers to be seen and treated in the past few years. Unfortunately, all 3 of them had to be put to sleep from either FIP or FeLV. And now, after 6 years, Tipper was seriously ill.

Gina was able to arrange a quick appointment for Tipper at Moore Veterinary Hospital. Blood work was performed but the diagnostics indicated that Tipper was severely ill and although the doctor and staff did everything possible, it wasn’t going to be enough. Tipper was humanely euthanized in the arms of her loving caretaker. RIP Sweet Girl – you were loved. Here’s her photo during a better time. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/24/23 – On 8/21/23 I posted Tabby’s story. She had been through so much in her life and finally we thought she was on the mend and ready to move on to a loving and safe life. She was seen by one of the best veterinarians in our community. But, unfortunately, during her follow up visit yesterday, the doctor found Tabby’s condition much worse than thought and she was humanely euthanized to end her suffering. I asked the doctor what was found which lead to the decision made by her and Tabby’s foster mom and she kindly sent me the following information:

“Unfortunately, Tabby developed some more severe complications, with necrotic fistulas under her tongue. She presented with a high fever, discomfort and there didn’t appear to be any improvement around her lower jaw and under her tongue. She was also down a pound. We discussed whether to change her antibiotics and increase the frequency of feeding but we went in knowing this wasn’t a straight forward stomatitis and I was hoping for much better results. Although she tested negative a second time prior to the procedure, my concern there was still some more severe underlying condition. The ulcers on the top of her tongue had healed and the roof of the mouth and upper jaw was healing but the lower jaw and under the tongue was actually getting worse. Following euthanasia I was able to observe some deep fistulous necrotic paths back to the pharynx and it was affecting the back of her throat. It was the right decision for her because this condition is painful and typically we see rapid improvement. It was very likely that she was going to continue to get worse. We decided to end her pain, and save funds to help others in need.”

One of the most difficult decisions any pet owner or rescuer must make is when to end an animal’s suffering — we pray they could talk and let us know. But, as humans, we must always put their quality of life ahead of our own emotions and I’m thankful that Tabby’s foster mom, Kate, and our caring doctor did just that. May you Rest In Peace Sweet Baby, your life mattered and you were much loved. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/23/23 – Scrappy was found on the street with an injury to his back and front right leg. His finder could not find anyone to claim him and took him to Project Hope in Pontiac which x rayed the leg and found two fractures; they also did blood work and vaccinated him. He was then referred to another vet (whom we’ve worked with) to have the leg put in a cast. This was done and we were able to assist with most of the cost of casting and the other day, his rescuer and now permanent mom, reported that Scrappy is doing great, loves her cats as well as her grandchildren, and will have a loving home from now on.

As an after note, there is no doubt in my mind that if Scrappy had not been rescued, he would have surely wound up killed by a car or used as bait for dog fighting. Saving lives — 4 Paws at a tiime! – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/23/23 – He was recently rescued from a mobile home park where he was left behind by his prior owners. Fortunately, that particular park has many kind people who work at getting the many cats left behind neutered and vaccinated and Simba appears to have been already neutered. Carolyn, who lives down the street from the park and is active in rescue, contacted us because she saw that Simba was limping so she took him home with her. She saw quite a wound on his leg which was oozing blood and pus. Carolyn was able to get Simba into All About Animals Rescue and the doctor advised that Simba’s leg was infected from a deep bite wound. The wound was treated and Simba was given medication. He did test negative for FIV/FelV and will be vaccinated when the infection clears. Simba will then be ready for a furever loving home. – diana

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/22/23 Snow Update

The wound is slowly healing with daily bandage changes. I am looking for someone to take him over the next 2 weekends Fri or Sat to Monday I really could use help. Please message me if willing to assist in getting him over this hump for healing. Located in Saint Clair Shores. My email is [email protected]. This is from today. Thank you, Gina

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080