8/27/23 – This past week I received the following e mail:
“’Im looking for help in finding a vet and resources for a cat that was left outside a pet store where I volunteer to care for rescue cats waiting for adoption. This sweet little cat was left in a carrier with a note attached stating she is pregnant and was abused (see attached). I took her home to give her a safe place with all the food and water she wants. Her previous owner has been contacted and the sad fact is Ivy hasn’t had much of a stable life.
She’s just over a year old, her littermate was killed in the home by a dog, she was re-homed to another person and that was who dumped her after about 6 weeks. She is very thin, she has many shave marks from electric clippers all over her body and her whiskers were cut on one side. She appears to be pregnant.
Despite all of this, Ivy is affectionate, sweet, and loving. She just needs a little help getting through this so she can find a loving home where she can know love and security. Can you help me find a vet that can make sure she is and remains healthy? – Erin”
Fortunately, we were able to get Erin and sweet Ivy into Orion Animal Hospital where the doctor confirmed the pregnancy. In fact, Ivy is expected to have her babies any day now. With the exception of Ivy’s physical appearance and the obvious proof she had been abused, Ivy appears to be healthy. Erin is preparing herself to monitor the births and will let me know if anything is needed. This will be Erin’s first experience with a pregnant cat but I told her that the great staff at Orion Animal Hospital (which she absolutely loved) would be happy to answer any questions she might have. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Thank you to everyone for the encouragement and kind words. Ivy is safe and warm. She has as much mother/kitten food as she wants, clean blankets and a bed, a private nesting area for her to have her kittens, and most of all she has love and affection.
I am nervous but excited to help this sweet soul bring her kittens into a world where they will all know kindness. – Erin