8/24/23 – On 8/21/23 I posted Tabby’s story. She had been through so much in her life and finally we thought she was on the mend and ready to move on to a loving and safe life. She was seen by one of the best veterinarians in our community. But, unfortunately, during her follow up visit yesterday, the doctor found Tabby’s condition much worse than thought and she was humanely euthanized to end her suffering. I asked the doctor what was found which lead to the decision made by her and Tabby’s foster mom and she kindly sent me the following information:

“Unfortunately, Tabby developed some more severe complications, with necrotic fistulas under her tongue. She presented with a high fever, discomfort and there didn’t appear to be any improvement around her lower jaw and under her tongue. She was also down a pound. We discussed whether to change her antibiotics and increase the frequency of feeding but we went in knowing this wasn’t a straight forward stomatitis and I was hoping for much better results. Although she tested negative a second time prior to the procedure, my concern there was still some more severe underlying condition. The ulcers on the top of her tongue had healed and the roof of the mouth and upper jaw was healing but the lower jaw and under the tongue was actually getting worse. Following euthanasia I was able to observe some deep fistulous necrotic paths back to the pharynx and it was affecting the back of her throat. It was the right decision for her because this condition is painful and typically we see rapid improvement. It was very likely that she was going to continue to get worse. We decided to end her pain, and save funds to help others in need.”

One of the most difficult decisions any pet owner or rescuer must make is when to end an animal’s suffering — we pray they could talk and let us know. But, as humans, we must always put their quality of life ahead of our own emotions and I’m thankful that Tabby’s foster mom, Kate, and our caring doctor did just that. May you Rest In Peace Sweet Baby, your life mattered and you were much loved. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

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