It was end of October when this sick, old, emaciated male cat was found after wandering into a feral cat colony. Stephanie, had been caring for the colony for years and noticed Mr Kitty was not a regular, but no one claimed him. She desperately tried to get him medical attention and she was able to get him into a low cost clinic, but because they were not a full service hospital, they were limited as to what could be done. When she reached out to 4 Paws 1 Heart, my gut feeling was that he was very critical and needed to be helped.
We made arrangements for Mr Kitty to be seen. After the exam, blood work, and x rays, it was determined that the most humane thing to do was euthanize. He was suffering. The doctor feels he had cancer throughout his body and he was unable to eat and hold it down.
Thank God he didn’t die alone from starvation on the street, and this is why we need our supporters to help us continue to help them.
Rest Peacefully Mr. Kitty
Please donate P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080