5/4/24 – Winston was dropped off at the home of a known rescuer in the neighborhood whom we’ve assisted in the pass. Bonnie, the rescuer, reported on March 20 that Winston is the “sweetest boy” who just needed vetting. We agreed to do that but then Bonnie took ill twice since then and was unable to get Winston into our vet. This week Bonnie contacted us apologizing for the delay in getting Winston to the vet but then advised that Winston was not eating/drinking and having difficulty urinating. We authorized Winston to be seen at Orion Animal Hospital. Blood work was done and Winston was given an appetizer stimulant; as of today Winston is starting to eat and drink and he will have a follow up appointment in 2 weeks. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


5/1/24 – Even though our boy Chance is no longer on this earth, he will always be in our hearts. And in keeping with the tradition, the Cinco de Meow fundraiser continues. Thank you Angel Chance – Diana

ANGEL CHANCE: Goood morning Team, Happy Hump Day!!!!

You know what day is coming up? Yep,

Cinco de Meow!!!! Yeppers, next Sunday May 5th! So I’ll be kicking off my 10th Annual Cinco de Meow Fundraiser Benefitting 4 Paws 1 Heart now through Wednesday May 8th so break out your pesos!!! To make it fun we will be asking for donations in multiples of five, you know..$5…$10…$25…$500!!! Well, you get the picture right? It’s going to be pawsome and we’re going to help save the lives of innocent abandoned & abused animals who need us . With it being my first Cinco de Meow here in heaven, I’d like to make it my best fundraiser ever, you know…the big guy is watching! So have a SuperHero kind of Wednesday and please help me and mom help animals in need of medical care Meow for now Team!

Oh hey Team, guess what? No prescription food in heaven, I’m having tacos!!!! When making your donation, please note it’s for Cinco de Meow!!! P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080