Lucky was Rescued When Seen on the Shoulder of I94

9/24/24 – Lucky was rescued when seen on the shoulder of I94. The poor baby was frightened and actually bit his rescuer (she was seen by a doctor and treated) but once Christal took Lucky home with her he calmed down and loved the attention. Christal took him to All About Animals to be vaccinated in that she has other pets but they could only give him age (9-10 weeks) appropriate vaccines.

But, the doctor did suspect that Lucky’s leg was broken and was advised to see a full-service veterinary clinic. That is when we were contacted. We authorized Lucky’s visit at Patterson Veterinary Hospital where the doctor confirmed the broken leg but also said that the leg had already healed but not properly. And, Lucky is actually only about 5 weeks old.

At this time, we will be waiting until Lucky is a little older to have a follow up appointment for his leg and at that time he will be vaccinated and neutered. We are praying that Lucky will not need to have his leg amputated but will be able to live and get around with a poorly-healed leg versus a ‘missing one’.

There’s a strong possibility that Christal’s retired mom will adopt Lucky so he will have lots of love and care. Christal will keep me updated. – diana

Leo, Casper, and Ashes Rescued From Mobile Park

9/24/24 – Leo (orange), Casper (brown/white), and Ashes (brown) were found in the middle of the street in a mobile home park. Unfortunately, the mom could not be found; the rescuer estimates they are about 5 weeks old.

The rescuer was able to get help for a slight upper respiratory infection and fleas but the person needed help for the spay/neuter and vaccines when the time comes.

Wisely, the rescuer, Kailee, knew that it was better to plan ahead because appointments can be far out. But before we could authorize the appointment, poor little Ashes passed away.

So, prayers for the two boys that they will make it and and go on to live a long, loved life. – diana