10/16/24 – RIP Ace. On August 18 I posted about sweet Ace. He was thrown out by his owners when they adopted a new kitten. He was obviously neglected if not abused. The poor little guy had an eye infection and it appeared something had happened to his back legs and he was in severe pain. Two appointments at two different veterinary clinics were made. One so he could get in quickly to be treated for the infection, possibly x-ray’d and given pain medications. The second appointment was at a hospital that could do a more thorough follow up which would include testing, vaccines, and neuter. While waiting for the second appointment, Ace seemed to be doing better. His eye issue was clearing up and the pain injection seemed to help; the first doctor thought the problem was arthritis or an old injury. Unfortunately, at the follow up appointment, x rays were done and it was found that Ace had several breaks to both pelvis and legs as well as some other internal injuries. The doctor and rescuer agreed that humane euthanasia would be the best option for Ace. Ace’s rescuer contacted me today with the following:

“I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for Ace. I appreciate the paw print. As sad as I am that he’s gone, it brings me comfort knowing he’s no longer in pain – Lindsey”

Thank you to the amazing rescuers, like Lindsey, who invest their time and love to save the orphans on our streets. – diana