12/28/24 – Jack’s sad story. On Christmas Day we we received the following e mail:
“I was referred to you by a friend. I have a homeless cat that I have been feeding daily, and have provided a heated cat house for it on my porch. The cat is very friendly and kinda chunky, so my first thoughts was that he belongs to someone or he has not been homeless for long. I took a few pictures of him and posted them on a lost pet’s page for my area on Facebook. Well, someone responded that it used to be her cat, but because her daughter was allergic to it, they gave it to a friend. The friend recently dumped the cat due to financial reasons. She added that the cat was a boy named Jack and he is not fixed. – Denise”
Well, after getting over my disgust as to how this poor cat was treated, I thanked Denise for her kindness and authorized Jack to be seen at one of our partner veterinary hospitals. Our prayer is that Jack will find a furever and never be treated like trash again. When people get upset because of the number of stray cats in their neighborhood, they might want to look at their neighbors. It’s bad enough to dump a pet but to dump an intact pet is beyond cruel and irresponsible. That intact animal will do what intact humans will do—procreate!! And therein lies a huge part of the problem. I know our supporters know. this and would never do this, so I ask you to share and educate. – diana
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080