12/18/24 – Prayers for Lucky who will have amputation surgery tomorrow,
December 19. Lucky very wisely but painfully followed some young children home and they fell in love with him. The mom contacted us to say that she had thought Lucky had a broken leg so she took him to a vet where it was confirmed that he would need his leg amputated.
Unfortunately, the family couldn’t afford such an unplanned expense and contacted us. Fortunately, because of the generosity of our supporters, we were able to say yes. Because of our supporters, some very sweet and caring children will have a beautiful Christmas with their new little buddy who they named Lucky.
Please don’t forget that there is a $1,000 Match Campaign in progress through December 25. Your Christmas gift will make a difference in the lives of many fur orphans on our streets.
P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080