2/12/25 I wanted to update this morning that our very generous supporter is offering an additional $1000 towards the Valentine’s Day match! Therefore, every donation made from now until Feb 28th will be doubled. We are incredibly grateful for her kindness especially during this time, where it feels like the need never ends.
This is “Orange Kitty”. He is a very sweet cat found outside that unfortunately was diagnosed with feline leukemia. He is having trouble swallowing due to what the doctor thinks might be a stricture, or, nerve issues with the muscles that help with swallowing. These problems might be secondary to the leukemia, but the only way to do further testing is at a specialty practice using fluroscopy and imaging like an mri.
We don’t have the kind of funds needed for that testing. The rescuer would like to make him a permanent part of her family understanding that his time is limited.. Her kids have all fallen deeply in love. She is feeding him a special, very expensive food while elevated, which seems to help prevent the choking.
If anyone is willing to donate food, please let me know and I will give you the name of it. It’s the same food I used for Muffins’ when she was very sick.
If Orange Kitty begins to decline they are prepared to humanely euthanize, but for now they want to give him the most love and comfort until his last days.
Save a life this Valentine’s Day