9/11/24 – FIRST — Let me apologize to our supporters who have generously donated in the past couple weeks to help the stray animals being born and left out on our streets. Unfortunately, my amazing 93 year old dad passed away this past Sunday after almost 6 weeks in home hospice and I’ve been embarrassingly slow in recognizing those donations. BUT I have tried to stay somewhat current in at least continuing to help those animals in need.
This is Diego. He was recently rescued by an independent rescuer we have assisted in the past. Unfortunately, he tested for heart worm a month ago and the rescuer was able to take care of the first 30 days of medication but she asked for our assistance with his injections which we are doing.
Paws crossed for this very abused boy who was left at the rescuer’s door step. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/