11/25/24 – It was October 6 when we received a request from Malissa about a cat who showed up on the family’s porch. He was very emaciated, starving, covered in skunk spray and with what appeared to be an eye infection or upper respiratory infection. His joints stuck out and the family thought he couldn’t survive the winter. The family named him Gremlin and took him to eventually find him a furever home. Through the following month+, Gremlin had been back and forth to the veterinary clinic we had authorized but they couldn’t stop his vomiting. He was taking antibiotics and then was prescribed nausea medicine. Throughout his time with the family we authorized ‘re-checks’ with the clinic.
Today I received the following from Malissa: “Hi Diana, This is Malissa, Gremlin’s foster mom. I’m unfortunately writing with some sad news. After a particularly rough weekend for him, Gremlin crossed the rainbow bridge. We took him to Blue Pearl and discovered he had advanced lymphoma and that he was roughly 15 years old. He likely had the disease for a very long time and he was actively losing his battle at the time of our visit. The staff were kind and a few knew of your organization, and they allowed me to have the visit and procedure done free of charge.
I wanted to let you know, from the bottom of my heart, that I am so grateful for you and that what you do is so wonderful and important for people in my situation. Your kindness and generosity allowed him to come in for a few months and know a LOT of love before his time here came to an end. He was happy in spite of everything, and he let us know it all the time. He was surrounded by love and at peace and ultimately he wouldn’t have been afforded that ending if it weren’t for you.
So again, thank you so much for everything. I’ve been back to work for nearly a month now and I plan to donate as soon as I can so that I might pay it forward to someone else in need.
All my gratitude, Malissa”
RIP. Sweet Gremlin, you are now in peace. – Diana
https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080