2/19/25 – While Gina and I are transitioning to 4 paws 1 heart Part II, you will still be seeing a few posts from me. I still have a few more cases to share with you. In the mean time,
I thought it would be appropriate to give a happy update of our Simon who continues to live with our good friend, supporter, and rescuer, Jo A. It was a brutal night of snow and frigid temperatures in December, 2017 when I got a call from the son of a woman who was renting a room from what I later felt to be a very cruel woman. His mom was at work and had just learned that her cat had once again been thrown out into the snow in below zero temperatures because the cat, Simon, had ‘missed’ the litter box. The son didn’t know what to do and because this had happened before he felt Simon needed to be rescued. I wasn’t quite sure what to do because 4 paws 1 heart isn’t a rescue; we don’t have any other resources than medical assistance but I called a person, Jo, who had helped before (and has since become a very good friend) and she immediately traveled the very slippery roads to catch Simon with the help of the son.
Once Simon was safe and warm in Jo’s home it was discovered that something appeared to be wrong with his leg. Simon was tested, vaccinated, and neutered but the doctors couldn’t determine what was wrong with Simon’s mobility. We then approved financial help with our favorite rehabilitation and veterinary doctor, Dr. Tari Kern. Simon went through a few sessions but nothing helped. It wasn’t known whether his issue was the result of some trauma or whether he had been born with the disability. There were many who recommended Simon be humanely euthanized because he would always need special attention and never be adoptable. But his rescuer, Jo, wouldn’t hear of it.
Jo says that Simon is the sweetest boy and doesn’t even know anything is wrong with him. Jo continues to rescue with the help of 4 paws 1 heart and has brought many cats and kittens into her home. Today, some 8 years later, Simon has taken on the role of ‘best buddy’ to many who have been rescued from the streets or abusive situations.
His very best and longest buddy is Bob who was also helped with funds from 4 paws 1 heart. The bottom line is than none of this would be possible without our generous donors, the rescuers, and our network of amazing doctors.
Thank you so very much for being a part of this village.- diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080 We are half way to our Match Goal of $2,500, so if you can, please donate today.