10/3/14 Joy Update! – Dr. Kern from “Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation Therapy for Pets” (http://www.pawsitivestepsrehab.com/ ), offered to help Joy with some therapy. She did acupuncture and cold laser on Joy tonight after assessing her pain. She has offered to donate physical therapy for Joy once or twice a week!! We are so thankful for her expertise, her skill, her support, and especially her compassion. Aaron Fortin from NBS Rescue was also involved in assisting with the therapy tonight. He was giving Joy all kinds of loving and comforting her during the procedure.
Dr. Kern adopted the famous “Hercules” from us a couple years ago after his legs had been intentionally broken by his previous owner at 3 months old. Hercules went from not being able to use his back legs at all, to running and playing and walking again! Just amazing!!! I think Dr. Kern might have fallen in love just a weee bit with Joy during her session! ~ gina
Author Archives: dee
SONIC Needs Your Continued Prayers
10/2/14 – Sonic is doing well today. His feeding tube is helping, and the inside of his mouth is healing slowly. We don’t know about the vision in his right eye, but we are hoping when the swelling goes down he will see out of that eye. The 2 incisions on his abdomen are looking great and the body wall is staying closed. He requires tube feeding every 4 hours and meds. Everyone at the hospital absolutely adores Sonic because he is the biggest lover with the strongest will to survive! ♡
Peaches – Working Together To Make A Difference
10/2/14 – As our friends know, we often get requests for help from our rescue friends and other animal advocates. This is Peaches. She was adopted to a family a while back. The family has since lost their home and found out that Peaches has a tumor. Now Peaches is once again looking for that forever family. 4 Paws 1 Heart is happy to help with medical dollars although not as much as we normally would because of the pending medical bills we will have for Joy, Sonic, Paris, Lucy and Cleo; as well as the many others we continue to help with medication, vetting, and fixing. Anyone interested in this older beauty should contact Better Life Canine Center. ~ diana
Locked in a Garage – Found with an Empty Bag of Food and No Water
10/2/14 – Happy Lunch Hour! Unfortunately, we have been notified of another sweet and loyal pet left behind. Although we are not into drama and judgement, let me just say that whoever did this to this poor baby, deserves the same–threefold. This little guy was found, 1 WEEK LATER, locked in a garage after the renters left the property. The homeowner found an empty water (?) bowl and an empty bag of cat food. The homeowner let the cat out and he’s been fed by the neighbors since. The little guy is scared and keeps trying to get back into the house where he used to live. He is still outside making his home on the window ledge. If anyone can take him in as a foster or adopter, please contact Jo at [email protected]; he has been named Elvis. 4 Paws 1 Heart will be happy to have him vetted and neutered. ~ diana 10/2/14 Update: Elvis is now with a foster.
Paris – No Identification, Running the Streets, Attacked by a Dog
9/30/14 Paris is one of the 3 emergencies we took over the weekend. She was attacked by a dog and suffered bite wounds to her neck. The wounds were surgically closed and she is healing nicely. Paris is a Shih tzu, female, 13#, blk and white, unsure of age, but definitely over a year. Her skin and coat is unthrifty and we suspect she wasn’t on the best food which will sometimes cause that. Our friends at NBS have offered to take her if she gets along with other dogs, so we’ll keep u posted!! ~ gina
10/2/14 Update: Our good friend, Aaron Fortin, of NBS Animal Rescue, picked up our girl and they will make sure she finds her way into the perfect home. ~ diana

9/29/14 – More Help Needed!! Why do people think they can just leave cats behind!!! This beautiful Maine Coon was left behind after the owners moved. The neighbor has been feeding her/him. Jo doesn’t know much about the cat at this time other than he/she needs a human to care. Contact [email protected]. Thanks, diana
10/2/14 Update – A forever loving home was found and this sweetheart is safe!!!
Owners Taking Pet to Shelter
9/30/14 — Once again we need our friends to help us share the abandoned and abused. This is a two year old, unspayed female whose owners are taking her to the shelter Thursday if she can’t find a home. Please don’t judge — it’s just not worth it any more and it doesn’t change the facts. Bottom line is that a foster or forever home is needed. 4 Paws 1 Heart will pay for vetting, vaccinating, and fixing. Contact [email protected] if you can help. Thank YOU. ~ diana
10/2/14 Update – This beauty has been rescued and is safe in a foster home. ~ diana
Fundraisers From Our Friends
The Chloe+Isabel mini fundraiser is still going! 30% of all order placed through this link will be donated directly to 4 Paws 1 Heart!
You can see all of our gorgeous pieces at www.candibyKy.com, and while you’re there, check out our BRAND NEW Birthstone Studs! Only $22 a pair, and come back with a lifetime replacement guarantee!
We would be remiss to not mention all of our supporters who continue to come out to our fundraisers and help us raise money for the abandoned and abused. We had about 150 people join us for our bowling event and mere words cannot begin to express our appreciation. Without donations and fundraisers we couldn’t do what we do. There are so many cases of abuse and animals with serious issues from physical to neurological but we believe that every living being deserves a chance. We will be reporting on our upcoming events and hope that we have an event that you will find interesting. This week I am sending checks to veterinarians to assist our rescue partners and while I’m doing that, I continue to get calls from individuals needing our help. We believe it is very important to make sure our donors know where their money goes, so stay tuned for the stories. Also, I want to again thank the many companies who provide us with gift cards, event tickets, and great baskets. May God Bless All of You and together we will do everything we can to make a difference. ~ diana