Author Archives: dee
Australian Shepherd – Left Behind
8/31/14 – HELP NEEDED: Another animal left behind. I received a call from a 4p1h friend late yesterday about this dog who is said to be an Australian Sheepdog, left behind 2 weeks ago when the owners moved. It is unsure what gender the dog is and it is assumed he is about 10 years old because he is wearing a rabies tag from 2004.The neighbors have been feeding him but cannot take him in. The dog will be taken to the Humane Society or the Oakland County Shelter on Tuesday if someone does not take him in. If you can foster for a rescue, I will try to find a rescue to sponsor him or if you can provide a permanent home, we will assist the neighbor to ensure there is a good fit. The dog is in Ferndale. Send me an e-mail at [email protected] if you can help.
9/7/14 UPDATE: This very sweet and loving dog is now safe with an Australian Shepherd Rescue. The owner had died and no one bothered to take care of the dog as he stayed unattended and unsheltered for several weeks in the yard. We are so thankful that someone took an interest and contacted us and that we were able to get help because of our many friends who shared his story. There were others interested in adopting him and I sent all of that information to the Rescue. I did hear back after his vet visit and he is in relatively good health considering what he has been through and tested negative for heart worms. Much appreciation to all who shared and cared. ~ diana
Lester – Still Recovering
Lester Update.. Well Lester is doing MUCH better today with the exception of his leg injury. We are waiting to see if the leg gets better on anti-inflammatory meds..if not he will need amputation. He is on antibiotics as a precautionary and the IV fluids. Lester is eating with some coaxing and we will just continue to evaluate him while he is here. The Animal Urgent Care and Harper Woods Staff have been giving Lester everything he needs with paws crossed he’ll be discharged soon! The next hurdle will be surgery if he needs it, but we will cross that bridge when we get there.. gina (Lester is about 10 weeks old).
Veronica – Raising Funds for 4 Paws 1 Heart
8/29/14 – Our friends come in all ages. Meet our long-time friend, Veronica Shippy. Veronica took advantage of her mom’s garage sale and sold lemonade and popcorn. Today she donated $86.55 to 4 Paws 1 Heart. I told Veronica how important her donation is to stopping the overwhelming number of kittens and puppies from being born. Her donation can make sure 252 kittens will not be born over the lifetime of two female cats. A bonus to Veronica’s generosity was that her mom, Gina, owner of the Loop Salon in St. Clair Shores, not only matched her donation but threw in a few extra dollars. I really don’t know what the animals would do without our friends! (p.s. The Loop is a full service salon and if you haven’t checked them out you should.) ~ diana
4P1H lost another foster kitten. She passed away yesterday morning to what we suspect was FIP.
This is going around big-time this year, and many litters of kittens are dying from it. Please Educate and Please Share..
Surrendered to a Shelter – Abandoned and Needs a Home
This beautiful gray female adult cat NEEDS a home. Please if you can help her contact me at [email protected] ASAP!! All vetting will be taken care of, BUT she needs to be the only cat in the household. She seems fine around dog’s. He age is estimated to be over 3 years old and she would be perfect in a home with someone who can love her, feed her, and give her shelter. If you can’t help then please, please, share!! If you can’t keep her, but you can foster her in your home for a rescue group that would be better than the alternative. Thank you, Gina
Princess Piggles – Getting Big and Looking For Her Forever Family
Good Morning Everyone! I’m interested in finding that fur-ever home, so if you think your ready for me let me know! I’m starting to eat on my own now and I love to be loved;) If Ur seriously into me email my temp mommy at [email protected]
LESTER – Rescued By Warren Animal Control Officer
Meet 4paws1heart “Lester” hospitalized tonight for possibly being hit by a car. He is stable, but he might have a very serious injury (radial nerve damage), to his front leg and some head trauma. At this time we are treating him for pain, shock, and abnormal breathing. If you want to help with medical, donations are always welcome because the need never ends. When we can get Lester better he will be going to a rescue for placement, but until he is out of the woods he needs your paws crossed!! Gina
Please DON’T Let Your Dogs and Cats Reproduce – Spay and Neuter
Those of us that bottle feed know how hard it is to hand-raise orphan pups, and this woman just couldn’t handle it.
When 2 pups died in her hands she couldn’t stand to watch the rest die and it was a hard lesson learned. PLEASE spay and neuter your pet’s. Expected or unexpected pregnancy is a risk for serious complications and sometimes death.
4paws1heart was certainly not in a position to take on more animals, I am at my limit, and I wouldn’t be able to provide the necessary care for these puppies. BUT…
I authorized her to surrender the pups and immediately started networking my contacts.
Enormous huge thank you goes out to the wonderful “Aaron Fortin” for hooking me up with “Amanda from POET Rescue”. You have no idea what a life saver you guys are for taking these pups!!!!!!
All of them were so dehydrated and literally wouldn’t have survived the night. I’ve had to tube feed them every few hours and give fluids, but I think they will be fine.
Tomorrow afternoon they’ll go to POET Rescue.
Another thanks to Ashley Hooper and Lisa Marie for helping me tonight!!! Gina