7/12/24 – These two beauties were rescued in the past week. The rescuer, Jessica, believes they are siblings. Penelope has a possible upper respiratory infection and Salem (the black cat) was rescued a few days after Penelope. They will be seen at one of our partner veterinary clinics and eventually be fully ready for adoption. Anyone interested should contact Jessica at: [email protected] – diana
Gina Deluca … This beautiful girl who I temporarily named Star showed up under my cousin Trevor Duffiney deck about 1 week ago. She is skin and bones, very, very, sweet, about 7 ish. Yr old. Posted on lost and found and reported. Yesterday, 4 paws 1 heart had her fully checked out at Moore Veterinary Hospital and she is healthy other than anemia. The cause is unknown at this time, but we will start her on some meds tomorrow and recheck bloodwork in a week. This poor cat is front declawed and could not hunt or fend for herself for a food source. She is only 4.8 pounds and all bones. Thank God she wound up at the right house and we were contacted for help. I’m glad it worked out for this girl who could have starved to death of not rescued. ❤️
7/8/24 – Another sad update. Abigail’s kitten, Aaron, passed away at Advanced Animal Emergency this morning. He was much loved and cared for during his brief life. Please keep his two remaining siblings and Abigail in your prayers. RIH sweet boy. – diana Https://4paws1heart.org/donations/
7/8/24 – More of the cats/kittens who have been rescued by our friend Melanie W. and taken to All About Animals in Warren. Melanie has been working to place the cats and kittens where they will be safely sheltered and fed. Many needed more medical treatment then simple vaccines and spay/neuter. – diana
7/8/24 – It all started on July 2 when we were contacted about a kitten (A.J.) who had been rescued from a group of ‘kids’ smashing a litter of kittens to the ground. A.J. was the only survivor. The rescuer had A.J. for a little over a week before she turned the kitten over to Barb L., whom we’ve assisted in the past. A.J. was placed with two other, same aged kittens whom Barb had rescued just before. The kittens, Sparky and Mayo had were found wandering the streets without a mom. Unfortunately, A.J. became lethargic and before he could be seen at our partner veterinary clinic, he passed away. On July 5 Mayo and Sparky became less active and were not eating; they were authorized to be seen at Orion Animal Hospital. This morning I was advised that Mayo passed away. Prayers for Sparky who will be seen asap. – diana
7/2/24 – 4 paws 1 Heart will be there for Abigail and her babies. Please follow her story on Facebook. Double your donation during our $1,000 Match! Thank you for making a difference in so many fur orphan lives. – Diana
7/1/24 – There’s still time to double your donation during the $1,000 Match campaign. Your donation will make a difference in the lives of many strays who would otherwise die on the streets — alone and defenseless. Meet Jerry. We were contacted on May 28 about a cat found on the streets with a wound on his tail. The rescuer, Robert, contacted vets but none could see the cat until the end of June and Robert was concerned that the wound needed to be treated sooner. We were able to get Jerry into West Flint Animal Hospital and Robert was willing to drive an hour to get there. Jerry was examined and treated on June 4 and then was neutered the following week. He is doing great and will never be alone on the streets again. – diana
6/27/24 – Patches, very sweet, showed up an apartment complex and rescued by a very kind couple. Although friendly, no owner could be found and we authorized her to be seen by one of our favorite veterinary doctors, Dr. Mina, at Five Mile Animal Hospital. She was examined and treated for an upper respiratory infection but she appeared to be pregnant and Dr. Mina called to get my approval for an x ray. Yesterday I received an update from the rescuer, Brian. Patches is pregnant. Although she is being kept inside at this time, the rescuers are often out of town due to work and have asked if there is anyone willing for foster Patches through her birth and obviously help with adoption. 4 Paws 1 Heart will commit to making sure the family is spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and Patches is tested when appropriate. If anyone can help, please contact Brian at: [email protected] She is a beauty. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations Donate Today during the $1,000 Match which ends July 4, 2024