Precious Needs More Help Than We Can Give

12/8/24 Precious needs more help than we can give. Her owner passed away 6 years ago and she has been living her life in a basement with family members dropping in to feed her.

There may also have been mold and poor environmental conditions. A member of the family reached out for help and a kind hearted person named Amy offered to open her home up to foster Precious.

Amy contacted us because Precious was wheezing and in need of medical attention. We set up her up to be seen at one of our partner Veterinary Hospitals and several tests including bloodwork, x rays, ultrasound, etc were run.

Precious needs to see a cardiologist. She is also blind and deaf. Her asthma cannot be treated without having a cardiac workup done.

For now, she was started on antibiotics because of a respiratory infection. Amy, can not keep Precious long term or give her the care she needs. Please share her story in hopes that someone might help give her a chance and take over her care from here, and please donate for those like

Precious who deserve better than what’s she’s gone through since her owner passed..


Little Bruce Is At the Hospital

12/5/24 – Little Bruce is at the hospital awaiting to see the surgeon this morning for a plan of action. We will find out if he is too young or healthy enough for a major eye removal surgery. This is a costly surgery so if anyone can help by making a donation we would really appreciate it. His surgery alone would be around $700, and he will need all of the regular vetting (vaccines, neuter, preventative, deworming, etc) plus basic care.

Please keep him in your prayers today. I’ll update soon – Gina

Bruce Showed Up Two Nights Ago

12/4/24 – This little guy who they are calling “Bruce”, showed up at a home 2 nights ago along with a neighborhood stray. We were contacted for help because of the injury to the eye, and arrangements were made to have this little kitten examined. I will update once I know more, but for now he is safe and will be seen by a veterinarian this afternoon. Gina

Hope was seen by a good Samaritan

11/30/24 – Hope was seen by a good Samaritan falling out of the wheel well of a moving vehicle on Lakeshore. She was in shock and transported to a local Veterinary Hospital.

A few weeks later she was vomiting worms and we were contacted for assistance with diagnostics and vetting. The x-ray showed that Hope was already healing from a broken bone, so we started with her vaccines and deworming.

Hope is doing well with her rescuer and she will be in need of a home.

If you are interested please message me via email [email protected], and I will forwarded your information along. If you would like to donate towards care for the many animals who need our help I have posted our link here. Gina

Roger Was Taken to Orion Animal Hospital

11/27/24 – This very sweet and friendly cat with an ear tip would sometimes show up on Janis’ porch. One day she noted he was severely matted, had fleas, and something was wrong with his right eye.

With our authorization, Roger was taken to Orion Animal Hospital yesterday where he was shaved for his painful mats, and treated for an eye infection and a urinary tract infection. He received appropriate vaccines and was treated for fleas. Roger did test positive for FIV but we know that FIV should never be a death knell for otherwise healthy cats.

Roger will have a follow up appointment to make sure the infections have cleared and receive appropriate vaccine boosters. Janis will be taking Roger to adoption events once his fur starts to return but if anyone is interested in adopting him when he is healed, contact Janis at: [email protected]

– diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

RIP Sweet Gremlin, You Are Now in Peace

11/25/24 – It was October 6 when we received a request from Malissa about a cat who showed up on the family’s porch. He was very emaciated, starving, covered in skunk spray and with what appeared to be an eye infection or upper respiratory infection. His joints stuck out and the family thought he couldn’t survive the winter. The family named him Gremlin and took him to eventually find him a furever home. Through the following month+, Gremlin had been back and forth to the veterinary clinic we had authorized but they couldn’t stop his vomiting. He was taking antibiotics and then was prescribed nausea medicine. Throughout his time with the family we authorized ‘re-checks’ with the clinic.

Today I received the following from Malissa: “Hi Diana, This is Malissa, Gremlin’s foster mom. I’m unfortunately writing with some sad news. After a particularly rough weekend for him, Gremlin crossed the rainbow bridge. We took him to Blue Pearl and discovered he had advanced lymphoma and that he was roughly 15 years old. He likely had the disease for a very long time and he was actively losing his battle at the time of our visit. The staff were kind and a few knew of your organization, and they allowed me to have the visit and procedure done free of charge.

I wanted to let you know, from the bottom of my heart, that I am so grateful for you and that what you do is so wonderful and important for people in my situation. Your kindness and generosity allowed him to come in for a few months and know a LOT of love before his time here came to an end. He was happy in spite of everything, and he let us know it all the time. He was surrounded by love and at peace and ultimately he wouldn’t have been afforded that ending if it weren’t for you.

So again, thank you so much for everything. I’ve been back to work for nearly a month now and I plan to donate as soon as I can so that I might pay it forward to someone else in need.

All my gratitude, Malissa”

RIP. Sweet Gremlin, you are now in peace. – Diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

The Before and After of Sweet Pooh

11/25/24 – On October 31 we posted Pooh’s story. He was found on the street by a friend of Brooke’s. The friend took care of having Pooh vaccinated and neutered but it became obvious that he had something wrong with an eye — it turned out to be a condition called entropion which will result in blindness. The friend could not afford this and Brooke decided to take him in and ask us for help.

Pooh had his surgery and this past Friday Brooke sent us the following update: “Living his best life we moved to a bigger home and he’s loving it with his kitten brother – Brooke”

The before and after of sweet Pooh. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Minnie (mom), Whiskers, Sherbert, Chester and Walnut were all rescued

11/25/24 – Minnie (mom), Whiskers, Sherbert, Chester and Walnut were all rescued — first the kittens and then the mom.

When the babies were of age, everyone was taken to Rescue Veterinary Services. Mom was tested (negative) and everyone was vaccinated and spayed/neutered.

Their rescuer will be finding furever homes for the family and thankfully they will no longer be in danger to die or be abused on the streets. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Jenn is one of over 15 cats that were released

11/25/24 – Jenn is one of over 15 cats that were released when a family in the neighborhood moved. Jenn was rescued but unfortunately she was pregnant and gave birth to 6 kittens in the middle of October. Her rescuer, Lorri, was able to find homes for 5 of the kittens but Brutus (Jenn’s remaining baby) and Jenn needed to be tested, vaccinated, and spayed/neutered. Lorri will be finding a home for Jenn and will give Brutus a furever home with her.

Unfortunately, we don’t know what happened to the many cats released by the neighbor. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Mothra, Rodan, and Stormy Looking for Furever Homes

11/24/25 – A long-time friend of 4 Paws 1 Heart and amazing rescuer contacted us in late July about 3 kittens she had taken in from a woman who had a mother cat no longer able to nurse and she didn’t have the time to care for the kittens. Patricia took in the 3 5-wwek old babies; 2 of whom were only 10 ounces at the time. Over the weeks, Patricia nursed them all into good health and they were ready for their vaccines and spay/neuter in mid September. Patricia will be finding the three, Mothra, Rodan, and Stormy their furever homes.

Without the support of our many loyal friends, we could never help the many independent rescuers working to save animals every day. Thank YOU! – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080