Cocoa … Happy Life with Mark

7/15/24 – On June 30, 2023 we received the following e mail about a very sweet dog left behind: “A few weeks ago, I spotted this little girl (now 69lbs.) on 6 Mile and Telegraph. She had protruding ribs and was digging in a trash can. I realized if I tried to lure her into my car, there could be a bad outcome. Fortunately, 2 other people stopped. One a dog rescuer and the other a cat rescuer. We worked as a team holding up traffic and trying to guide her to safety. She wobbled into the neighborhood where she huddled on a porch. A neighbor informed us that residents of house, where she took refuge, had abandoned her. Another animal lover joined us. After much effort, we got her into my car. My neighbor, Mark, agreed to take her in. It was love at first sight and I knew Mark needed this dog as he had one by one lost his three dogs to old age and illness. He named her Cocoa and started referring to himself as daddy. I offered to help him with expenses and finding affordable services without success. Mark made the difficult decision to give up Cocoa as he couldn’t afford to provide her with the care expected (Cocoa appears to be about 1 year old, healthy, experiencing weight gain, very smart, affectionate and wants to please). Just thinking about losing her made me tearful, but my personal life, and dog, won’t another pet (Although I kept trying to talk myself into keeping her as she’s so easy to love).. One last effort was to have her checked for a chip. She is so perfect, I thought maybe she was stolen. Mark and I took her to Five MIle Animal Hospital. While we were there (they were busy and scanner needed charging. An angel named Carol told me about 4 Paws 1 Heart. When I spoke with Diana, I couldn’t believe the help she was making available for Cocoa. We still have to check for a chip. Thank you to all you Donors who made it possible for Cocoa to have a long, happy life with Mark. – Diane” This weekend I received this happy update: “Here are pictures I took today at vet. Cocoa went in for her final results of heart worm treatment. She’s cured! 🎆🎆🎆 Had her yearly shots and is scheduled to be spayed. I believe she weighed about 60 lbs when we found her. She now weighs in at 91 lb Coco is so smart and obedient. She loves Mark (and me too). Thank you for all you have done for Coco and Mark. – Diane” Although this case started one year ago, our commitment does not end until the rescued animal is spayed/neutered. We are wishing a long life with much love from her Daddy. – diana

Coco Found on the Streets

7/5/24 – Coco was found on the streets and thankfully his rescuer is willing to give him a home if we can assist with the medical. He will be seen at one of our favorite veterinary clinics with Dr. Mina, Five Mile Animal Hospital. Again, a huge thank you for all who care. – diana

P.S. Thank you to everyone who help us meet the $1,000 Match. It will go along way to assist those who have no one else.- diana

Junkyard and Mama Dog

7/3/24 – It was in late February when we were contacted about Junkyard and Mama Dog. They were found chained at a vacant home. Junkyard (light brown – suspected son) looked to have been attacked by another animal and had a neck wound; Mama Dog appeared to be pregnant. They were both seen at Five Mile Animal Hospital where Junkyard was treated for his wound, vaccinated, and scheduled for his neuter. Mama was found positive for heart worm and pregnant. I advised the rescuer that we would cover the heart worm treatment when appropriate but didn’t hear back from the rescuer until I followed up in June. I then learned that a rescue organization had taken in both dogs and the mom did have her babies and that the rescue would be following up with the heart worm treatment and spay when appropriate. – diana

P.S. Tomorrow is the last day to double your donation during the $1,000 4th of July Match. Thank you for your support!

Aurora – Rory to Her Furever Home

6/21/24 – It was May 23. 2024 when we posted about the rescue of Aurora. Last night our friend, Shayla, and rescuer of Aurora told me about the happy adoption.

Here it is: “Today was a bittersweet day. We said goodbye to Rory because she got her forever home. She’ll be living with her new mom and dad, two human sisters, and two fur brothers. I know she’s going to have a great life! She was with us exactly 30 days, but she took a little piece of my heart with her when they drove away.

As always, I can’t thank Diana Rascano , with 4 Paws 1 Heart, enough in backing me with this rescue. Diana, I wouldn’t be able to help any of the strays that have needed help over the last 10 years without you! Thank you a million times over!

Have a great life, – Shayla” Please don’t forget that you can DOUBLE YOUR DONATION between now and July 4 because of a generous friend who has offered a $1,000 Match. It’s your donations that make happy beginnings a reality. – diana

P.S. the last photo is when Aurora was first rescued.

George with Streethearts Animal Rescue

6/10/24 – We were happy to help George with some of the cost of the MRI.

Here’s his story: George was at the Genesee County Animal Control and is now with Streethearts Animal Rescue. He was diagnosed with possible Lumber IVDD (Intervertebral Disc Disease) while he was at the shelter. No one knows what happened..

He is was seen at DOGWOOD NEUROLOGY on Saturday for a consult and possible help. Unfortunately MR’sI are not inexpensive so we were thankful to help.

George’s MRI showed a swelling that could be trauma related, infection, or a cyst on his spinal cord. Surgery is not recommended at this time. George is being medically treated with steroids, antibiotics, and crate rest. Please continue to pray for George to completely recover.

If you want to follow George’s journey, please check out the Streethearts Animal Rescue facebook page. – diana When a village comes together, miracles can happen.

Rest in heaven sweet Peanut

About 14 years ago a kind man rushed a lifeless puppy into the animal emergency where I was working at the time. He said he’d taken the pup away from his relative who was neglecting and starving the pup to death. He surrendered his critical little body to me and we named him Peanut.

After 2 weeks of hospitalization, I took him home to continue the supportive care. He was so severely malnourished he could not swallow, open his eyes, or stand.

After weeks/months Peanut thrived. He was socialized by my furry crew, and he became strong, healthy and ready for adoption. Mary, who was the perfect mommy for Peanut, immediately fell in love and adopted him.

She took Peanut everywhere and gave him the best life. He traveled, boated, sunbathed, ate good, and was showered with unconditional love, kindness, support, and trust. Mary kept me in the picture all these years and last week she called to tell me he was declining.

Dave and I were scheduled to visit tomorrow and say goodbye, but he was ready to go home before that. My heart is full knowing the love and life Peanut lived. Several angels surrounded him in the beginning and I’m sure my Angel, Sugar, and Lucy were all there this past Thursday to welcome him home.

Thank you 4 Paws 1 Heart for covering his medical and Mary for giving him an amazing life. I could not ask for more.. Gina

Walter – Update from His Foster Mom

7/14/21 – Walter Update from our good friend, Melissa. Please remember this sweet boy in your dreams. Also, please remember to maintain your pet’s/pets’ vaccines and prevention. – diana
We are a week post first heartworm injection. Walter is doing well. The first day was torture – he cried all night after I picked him up. We added some pain meds and he turned around pretty quickly. He is on complete rest until his treatment is over which is another 53 days (but who is counting)? He gets a second and third shot (deep into his back muscles) 28 and 29 days after the first. Then it’s 30 more days of complete rest while the heart worms die and his body breaks them down and absorbs them.
He is naturally a really calm dog so we don’t have to crate rest him (plus he goes crazy in the crate). The steroids, pain meds, and gabapentin have made his walking much better also so I don’t have to carry him as much. He loves to chew bones so those have been a great help in keeping him less bored.
My heart breaks for this dog and the treatment he has to endure. It has made me less complacent about ensuring Nali and Jonas get their treatment on time each month.
Here are a few updated pics…

Randy – Found Under a Mattress with Other Debris at the Roadside

7/14/21 – Meet Randy. Friday (July 9) night a young man found him partially under a mattress with other debris at the roadside. He stopped, called 911 & then Streethearts Animal Rescue was called. The injury is not new & the poor, young dog was in so much pain. Streethearts took Randy to a vet the following morning where x rays were taken. There was a concern that his leg was fractured. Fortunately it was not but he had a severe abscess in the joint that had to have a draining tube inserted. He stayed with the vet while that was being completed. He was given antibiotics for a severe infection, pain meds and was tested for heart worm. The doctor thought he might have been in a dog fight 10-14 days ago where the wounds were inflicted. As with so many rescues, Streethearts has been inundated with serious medical cases and we were thankful that we could pay Randy’s bill. Anyone interested in adopting Randy should contact Streethearts Animal Rescue. – diana

Jasmine – Turns the Corner

7/12/21 – My foster puppy Jasmine “Jazzy” has turned the corner and survived Parvo Virus. Huge thank you to Dr Burcham and Staff at Moore Veterinary Hospital for taking good care of her, my friend Maria for taking my calls after hours, Brenda Girard for helping me foster, and the many people who were involved in her transport and recovery.. It takes a village. If you would like to donate we are grateful for any help. We haven’t been able to do fundraising and the need to help stray, dumped, abandoned animals is endless.

Jazzy is a bundle of love, energy, teething, and her cuteness overload makes sleepless nights worth it. She is about 9 weeks old and we believe she is a pitty possibly mixed with American bulldog. Gina
May be an image of dog