7/28/22 – Panda Update – Panda has seen a fourth veterinary doctor and it has been confirmed that she definitely needs both eyes removed. The surgery has been scheduled for August 12 and in the meantime, her foster is seeking that furever, loving home. Panda’s foster would like to have Panda become familiar with his new home before being totally blind but at this time it is more critical to take on the surgery to avoid any complications in the future. Panda has actually been doing great and loves to play and pounce on little stuffed mice. He is a very sweet kitty and if you are interested in possibly making him your own, I can put you in touch with his foster who will get in touch with you. E mail me at: [email protected]

And, we’ve had a number of surgeries in the past month and no fundraisers lined up at this time (although I’m working on it). Anything you can do to help, would be very much appreciated by the many animals who have no one else but all of us.



6/16/22 – Panda was rescued on 5/22; he could fit in your hand. He had crusted eyes with green ooze coming out, one had doubled in size. He was sneezing with green mucus coming out of his nose. His vision was definitely impaired. He was also very skinny. He was very sweet.

Lauren, his rescuer, contacted me and we arranged for him to go to APaws Veterinary and he was treated for the respiratory infections with an appointment for a follow up in two weeks. By May 26 he appeared to be doing well with his upper respiratory infection and Lauren thought she had lined up an adopter. Panda had a follow up appointment yesterday, June 16.

Yesterday I talked with Dr. Pasternak, who was subbing at APaws, and she said that Panda’s one eye needed to be removed within the next 3-5 days before it burst. But, she also suggested that we try to get a specialist to see his other eye because she saw some troubling issues with his pupil which may be a problem or maybe just be a birth defect. The plan was for me to call a specialist to see if we could get in by Monday or Tuesday for a consultation. The thinking from the doctor and I was that if both eyes needed removal, the surgery could be done at one time. But, when Lauren called the potential adopter, who had previously had a blind cat and was experienced with special needs cats, said she no longer was interested because she didn’t have the time.

Now we were in a dilemma because Lauren is scheduled to go out of State on June 22 and won’t be back until the end of the month. Even if an adopter or foster can’t be found, Panda needs a home to go to until Lauren returns and she needs the eye surgery within days. Under the circumstances, we decided to go ahead with the eye removal for the serious eye and then work on the consultation at a later date for the other eye. Worst case scenario would be that Panda would have to be put under twice for two surgeries. But we are praying that if another surgery is needed, it can wait until Panda is a little older and stronger (he is now 7-8 weeks old).

A good friend of 4p1h has offered to watch Panda while Lauren is gone and we have asked the vet for the soonest possible surgery date. But, Panda will still need a furever home so, please, if you are looking for a very sweet kitten who is no trouble whatsoever, please consider Panda and contact Lauren at: [email protected] diana.

And, please remember that without your donations, we could not continue to help the orphans who have no one else.


6/6/22 – Montana is 11 years old and his owner could no longer care for him and another dog. A woman who we have helped in the past had been providing food for Montana and his pal when the owner told her that he had to give them up. Because our 4p1h friend, Melissa, had already built a relationship with Montana she took in Montana and brought him to the vet to be neutered and vaccinated. There he was found to be positive for heart worm. Because the facility had no x ray ability, Montana was brought to another facility but Melissa has not been able to get the results. That’s when she contacted us.

Montana will be seen by a doctor at one of our long-term medical partners and we will proceed with medical treatment as recommended. – diana.


7/13/22 – Montana Update – On June 6 we posted about Montana’s rescue. He was not doing well at first with the rescuer’s other dog but eventually the relationship started to improve. The rescuer has been working with a great supervisor at All About Animals who has been great in guiding us through Montana’s recovery which now, unfortunately, includes heart worm treatment. Thankfully, Montana was able to be neutered before the treatment and his blood work and heart exam came back positive yesterday so that he can start his heart worm treatment soon. Continued prayers for Montana. – diana.


7/14/22 – These two sweeties, Honey and Sweet Potato, were trapped, together(!), the night of July 11. Honey has a severe neck wound and his/her eye appeared to be injured. He/she was also very emaciated. Sweet Potato appeared to be in good health. This morning the rescuer advised that Honey’s eye is actually missing and he/she is very lethargic. Our friends at APaws advised to drop off Honey this morning and they will do their best to see him/her asap although they are very booked. Prayers for this baby who seemed thankful to be safe and petted. I will update when information is available. – diana.


7/18/22 – We have another Lucy who needs your prayers and positive vibes today. On July 6 I received an e mail from two wonderful people who rescued Lucy during the 90+ degree weather in late June. She was about 6 months old and only weighed 4 lbs. She was very emaciated and couldn’t eat or drink on her own and she also had a sinus infection. She was also having trouble breathing. The couple hand fed her and immediately took her to see a vet who treated for the sinus infection and diagnosed her with a. diaphragmatic hernia which needed surgery. The couple took her to 3 veterinary clinics before contacting us and were determined to save her. I contacted one of our favorite doctors, Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital, to see if she could do the surgery; she said yes. But, before that could happen Lucy started having a MISCARRIAGE! Three vet visits but no one noticed she was pregnant. Poor Lucy started having dead babies and the couple took her to an emergency where she was made stable. The following day, Dr. Zalac was able to see her on an emergency basis and also treated her before she could be taken home to have surgery today. A diaphragmatic hernia is a defect or hole in the diaphragm that allows the abdominal contents to move into the chest cavity. We will receive an update later. – Diana.


/21/22 – Happy Update – Here is an update from Lucy’s dad. We are so very thankful to have Dr. Zalac of Orion Animal Hospital in our lives for the many very sick and injured stray animals who come into our lives. Here are some post surgery photos and an update from Lucy’s rescuers and new parents:

“Lucy is doing amazing!! She’s breathing perfectly now and eating like a champ! She ate 10oz of wet food yesterday and probably more than that today (previously the most she ate in a day was 4oz). She has so much more energy and is waking us up like every hour all night long to play or pet her lol. She hasn’t messed with her incision once so Dr. Z said she doesn’t need a cone or anything unless she starts to lick it – I think she’s just so happy that she can breathe and eat that she hasn’t even noticed her incision and staples. We truly cannot thank you enough for all the help you’ve given us!! You have been such a blessing for us. We’d like to set up a recurring monthly donation, could you tell us how to do that? We want you to be able to continue helping all the animals like Lucy that truly need you.

Thank you again,

Manet & Johan”

Manet and Johan are very special people and we honestly couldn’t be happier for sweet Lucy. – Diana.


7/20/22 – Meet Zero. Jenny’s husband was doing a delivery and found a dog who looked like he was just hit by a car and who was very emaciated. He brought the dog home and Zero immediately started to get along with their resident pup. Zero was taken to the couple’s family vet who found that Zero had a broken pelvis and a torn ACL. This wonderful couple had already invested a considerable amount of money for this stray animal and, before contacting us, contacted a vet recommended by their veterinarian to determine the cost of treatment. That is when they contacted us for some help.

I immediately contacted one of our favorite veterinary partners, Patterson Veterinary Hospital, and Zero was seen the next day. Dr. Lynch determined that she could perform Femoral Head Osteotomy surgery (surgery to restore pain-free mobility to a damaged hip by removing the head and neck of the femur which eliminates the bone-on-bone contact of the hip). The pelvis will typically heal with crate rest. Zero will be seen again on July 28 to determine the level of healing and to schedule the surgery. At this time, the doctor saw no need for ACL surgery.

We will continue to update on Zero. There are so many animals needing our prayers so tonight when you’re saying your prayers and asking God to watch over those you love, please remember the many fur orphans who are wandering and too often dying on our streets. If not for our community, who then?? – diana.


/24/22 – And Another! Sissy was rescued Tuesday and early this morning she was found to be lethargic, had a temperature, and had not been eating well. With closer inspection, the rescuer found a hole in her face which was suspected to the result of a botfly imbedded in her very skinny body. Sissy was taken early this morning to an emergency veterinary hospital and we were contacted for help. Sissy was slightly sedated and the botfly was removed. She was given meds for an infection and pain. She appears to be doing better already and is finally eating. Her rescuer has rescued dozens (if not hundreds)of cats and we’ve tried to help when needed. Thank you to our amazing community for making a difference and giving these orphans a second chance at life. – diana.


7/27/22 – This kitten is named Cutee Reba. She was found a few days ago with a cuterebra larvae in her head. She is only about 4 weeks old. This took up the entire top of her head and it was alive. There was a large hole that is healing. She was covered in maggot larvae. A co-worker has offered to foster and find placement while we cover medical. So far we haven’t had to do much other than supportive care. She will get her age appropriate vaccines and feluk fiv test in a few weeks. – Gina.

P.S. Gina provided another photo that showed the large hole in one whole side of Cutee Reba’s little face but I was confident it would be blocked so I did not include it. If you would like further information about the cuterebra or the bot fly I will be posting a couple of links in another post. – diana.


7/26/22 – This is Leo (formerly known as Leah). He was recently rescued after showing up in a cat community. He had been vomiting and even after medication, he was not improving. He saw one of our veterinary partners yesterday and the doctor is concerned that he may have a blockage. The doctor diagnosed him with an ear and bladder infection, a possible foreign object in the abdominal area, possible pancreatitis, and a low glucose count. He was treated for the infections, given fluids and other medication. Leo will be going back today for another x ray to see if there still appears to be a foreign object in the abdomen. His finder reported that Leo is very sweet and we pray he will recover fully. – Diana.


7/31/22 – I’m so sorry to report that the last of Cookie’s babies died last night. Last weekend we reported on Cookie who was rescued while pregnant and taken in by a good friend of 4 paws 1 Heart. Cookie had 6 babies and all seemed to be going well for about a week and a half. But then, Cookie started to shun the babies and the foster/finder mom became worried. Cookie was in the hospital for almost 48 hours and the babies were bottle fed and transported to two experienced friends who would bottle feed them until they could eat on their own. Cookie was diagnosed with a severe upper respiratory infections but we just thought the babies hadn’t had the nutrition and food needed and they would eventually be fine. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case and the babies began dying, The last three babies went to another very experienced rescuer who has taken care of several at risk kittens and who was in contact with one of our best and favorite doctors. It was noticed that two of the kittens had very swollen paws as you can see in the photo. The doctor believed they were suffering from vasculitis which is an inflamation in the blood vessels, possibly the result of whatever infection the mom had. The final three were immediately given antibiotics along with very intensive care which included oxygen, incubator heat, and tube feeding, but, unfortunately, it was too late and the last baby died last night. To say this has been a horribly heartbreaking situation for all would be an understatement. the only comfort to be found is knowing that this mama and her babies did not die horrible deaths alone on the streets. Cookie is doing good and is with her rescuer. The babies knew love and died in the arms of people who truly cared and did everything they could. – diana.