His rescuer reached out to me to see if we cold help because he appeared injured. Fortunately, we were able to get him examined today. His neck area is very swollen, he has dried bloody drool on his forelegs, there os a bad odor from his mouth, and we were unable to look inside his mouth due to pain. Full sedation will be needed to do a full exam. He is on his stray hold and in the meantime we started him on antibiotics and pain meds. Monday we will plan to do an exam to determine if there is a tumor, jaw damage, or something else causing the pain. The finder had to give 3 baths because the dog was so filthy. So far no one has claimed him. He was possibly clipped by a car. If you have any info leading to his owner please let the finder in this post know. I’ll update again on Monday. Gina
**FOUND INJURED** Please share and help locate the missing family!County: MACOMBCity: EASTPOINTE / ROSEVILLELocation Details: 10 MILE / GRATIOTDate: 4/07/2024Gender: UNALTERED MALEEstimated Breed(s): BOXER / AMERICAN PIT BULL TERRIER MIXColoring: BROWN / WHITEPhysical Features:Estimated Age: YOUNG ADULTEstimated Weight: 60 POUNDSCollar/Microchip/Other: COLLAR / LEASH (WHICH MAY HAVE BEEN CHEWED THROUGH) / SCANNED FOR MICROCHIP, NONE DETECTEDContact: 586-899-7765 [email protected]Additional Information: DESCRIBED AS SUPER SWEET AND FRIENDLY / FINDER HAS VET APPOINTMENT 4/11/24Guardian must provide proof
4/11/24 – He was found on the street – literally – after almost getting run over by a car. His rescuer named him Thumper and contacted us for help with getting him examined and vetted. When I asked Dianne if she would be keeping Thumper, she gave me a definitive YES. Dianne went on to tell me that she and her son had a cat; her son passed away in 2006 and their cat passed away 6 months later. When she rescued Thumper it was only days before her son’s heavenly birthday. Dianne said that Thumper had already given her much happiness. We both agreed that Thumper was lovingly sent to her by her son. – diana
4/11/24 – On April 4 we received the following update on Tiggi from his rescuer, Julie:
“Two weeks post OP. And He was a champ getting his sutures out! Thank you so much for saving his life. First time I’ve ever dealt with an eye removal. He is a very sweet boy and will never ever be outside again. – Julie”
Another life given a second chance because of the generosity and kindness of our supporters and veterinarians. – diana
4/11/24 – UPDATE: New Beginnings Rescue will take Baby into their rescue in 3 weeks. But, Stephanie is still looking for a temporary foster so surgery could be done sooner. Authorization has been given for the amputation.
4/10/24 – We were contacted by a former volunteer at the 4p1h Kitty Room at the Pet Supplies Store on 13 Mile and Harper. She has been helping out a lady in Detroit by TNR’g strays fed by the lady. She has also helped with food and shelters. Stephanie advised that Baby is friendly and was brought inside to the lady’s home. The caretaker noticed in March that he was attacking his own tail and is yelling in pain. It looked like he had some puncture wounds in the tail.
Baby was first taken to one of our partner vets where he could quickly be seen. Unfortunately, the doctor believed he was feral and gave him an antibiotic injection through the carrier but did not give any pain meds. While Stephanie worked with the caregiver, an appointment was made with Patterson Veterinary Hospital where it was determined that his tail would have to be amputated. He was given pain med.
The problem is that Baby is not in a safe environment and we are reluctant to have him go through this surgery with a difficult recovery ahead unless he can be placed in better living conditions. Please let me know if you can help and I will put you in touch with Stephanie. The caretaker will surrender Baby so that he can be helped, and Stephanie will take care of getting a signed surrender. Thanks! – diana
4/10/24 – Today we received the following e mail from a rescuer we helped in 2017. Thankfully, Robin, rescued handsome Mason.
“Hello. This is Robin (Robin Marie on Facebook) You helped me with my Hope in 2017 and she was Ms October 2018. February 2nd 2023 Our brave fighter lost her battle. A fight everyone said wasn’t even worth it. But you guys helped us and prayed along with us! That’s what gave her 6 more years of breathing life and loving it! I’m forever grateful for that!!
Today I’m reaching out for some assistance with a stray dog I have. He was found in Detroit 12/28/23, dragging a 10-foot chain. He was so hungry. I actually first spotted him eating out of a large garbage pile on the side of the road. I was on the phone with a friend who does outreach in Detroit. They came out and helped me secure the dog. Once in our custody, it was obvious his life wasn’t the greatest. However, we try not to judge. He was posted on local sites and reported to DACC. No one ever claimed him.
The person with the outreach group called another animal rescuer and was able to get the dog seen by a vet. He was throwing up garbage and corn on the cob chunks. X-rays were inconclusive. He was given meds and supportive care. He received a rabies shot and tested negative for heartworm in January. He has had no additional vetting. They did sign over his medical paperwork to me. I’ve named this sweet boy Mason. He’s roughly 1-2 years old. Around 50 lbs. Unaltered. Im looking to get help with getting him neutered, the rest of his vaccines, and heartgard/nextgard. I’m actively looking for a rescue to take him or a forever home. In the 3.5 months now, I’ve reached out to over 20 rescues with no luck. I’d prefer if he went to a forever home. But I’m financially unable to provide the care he needs. Any help will be very appreciated!”
Mason will be seen and treated at Patterson Veterinary Hospital. Please contact Robin through facebook message. You can find her under Robin Marie or contact me at: [email protected] I can then put you in touch with Robin. – diana
4/7/24 – Please keep Grisette’s foster mom in your prayers during this very sad time.
We are so broken hearted to have to tell you Team that Grisette has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge this morning. Please keep her mama in your prayers as she has suffered so many devastating losses in recent months. She is so broken hearted to now lose Grisette.
All of you and 4 Paws 1 Heart have been there for Grisette since the very beginning. Her mama took her in as a foster about 7yrs ago when she was found sick and injured in her backyard. Grisette was a semi feral cat. 4 Paws 1 Heart took care of Grisettes vetting and her foster mom wanted to try to find her a permanent home as she did not want to put her back outside in the middle of winter. After many months a permanent home was not in the cards for Grisette becuse of her feralness. But she became comfortable in her home and would allow gentle touching from her foster mama only. It was decided that she would become a permanent foster. Grisette did very well until recently when her thyroid became an issue and then her awful cancer struck.
Once again 4 Paws 1 Heart was there for senior Grisette and her senior mom. They are there for her still and will be taking care of Grisettes cremation and her ashes will be returned to her devoted foster mom. Your donations of food for Grisette for her tender tummy and food allergies have been so very appreciated and your donations to 4 Paws 1 Heart is what makes it possible to keep promises made for beloved special case fosters like Grisette
4/6/24 – First, I’d like to thank everyone who helped us meet the goal of $1,000 during the “$1,000 Irene Memorial Match”. It’s only your donations and support at our fundraisers which enable us to continue to help in so many heart wrenching situations involving those most vulnerable in our society.
These beautiful cats were dumped by their owner when they moved. Fortunately, they found their way to the home of the cousin of a good friend of 4 paws 1 heart, Courtney, who happens to also work at one of our favorite partner clinics, Orion Animal Hospital.
Mr. Feeney is one of 5 cats thrown outside who is currently in a foster home. The calico you see in the photo amongst the five at the home, has found a home and Courtney is caring for one of the cats who is pregnant. Courtney volunteers with a rescue who has taken on finding fosters and we have committed to taking care of medical needs while Courtney also seeks donations at the clinic.
So far everyone is doing well. They are battling severe ear and skin infections but they will be better in no time
It literally takes a village to help these animals. – diana
It’s been 141 days since Soup went missing, everyone has searched, and tonight about 8:15 pm he was found! A few days ago, a mailman in Saint Clair Shores knocked on Soups mom’s door claiming he was seen. Then, a trap was set and Soup was captured and brought home. I scanned him to confirm his microchip and it was a match! There were some true angels involved in this rescue mission that began in November. Nadia, a kind selfless guardian angel, never gave up until Soup was home. Thank God he was microchipped. Countless hours, time, money, exhaustion, defeat, worry, and endless love has resulted in a happy ending. There were many tears of happiness and relief tonight. The message here is to never give up, Microchip your animal, and Believe...
Thank you to everyone who helped bring Soup home especially Nadia and Mary Beth. This was a stray who came from the streets bruised and broken, was adopted 10 years ago, and escaped his home almost 5 months ago.
For those who don’t know, Soup was found in 2014 as an injured stray. He had a broken pelvis and dislocated femur and his head was stuck in a Soup can. 4 paws covered medical and I took him in for one year and then found a loving home with Mary Beth. Fast forward 10 years he escaped from his home Nov. 17th. 2023.
12/20/16 – A HUGE thank you to all of our old and new friends who stepped up to our Secret Santa Challenge and exceeded the Match. The over 4,000 animals we have helped since 2010, thank you for their second chance at life. You might remember that on December 26, 2013, a beautiful feline boy Gina named Soup was found on a lawn with his head stuck in a soup can. The caring homeowner brought him to the emergency, where fortunately, Gina was on duty. His tail had punctures, he had a broken pelvis, a dislocated femur, and horrendous bruising. It appeared that he was attacked while he couldn’t defend himself. Of course, 4 Paws 1 Heart took this baby into our arms and he was taken to an orthopedic specialist and we found a wonderful, loving person to take him in so his pelvis and femur could recover. That wonderful person happened to be our friend who later became the mom of Chance, Carlos, Phoenix, Rosie Roo, Bridgette, and many fosters — Denise. After Soup recovered from his injuries, Gina took him into her home and finally, a little over 1 year later, Soup’s final, loving family was found. In celebration of exceeding the Secret Santa Challenge, I bring you an update from Soup’s loving mom, Mary Beth. ~ diana
“In 2012, we had to let my beloved cat Drake cross the rainbow bridge, as he had cancer. I was so distraught over losing Drake, and I wanted another cat to keep our cat Whiskers company, but I wanted to wait a bit of time. About a month went by, I was seeing different cats on Facebook rescue sites. One day, a cat named Soup caught my eye. Not so much the way he looked, but his story.
A year earlier, he was found outside with his head stuck in a soup can. He was taken to a veterinarian where they discovered that he also had a crushed pelvis. Something had gotten him when his head was stuck in the can. He had surgery and was on cage rest for three months, and remained at his foster mom’s house for another nine months because she loved him so much.Then she decided he should find a home so she could make room for more fosters.
I made arrangements to meet Soup, as well as another cat, that had only three legs. When the foster Mom brought Soup into the room to meet my daughter and I, he immediately plopped on the floor and wanted us to pet him, he did that the whole time during the meet and greet. We thought it was hilarious and it was love at first site.
The foster Mom wanted to bring him for a home visit, and my whole family wanted to meet him, including my son in law. There were seven of us, and everyone fell in love with him. Needless to say we adopted Soup, his foster Mom says that she couldn’t have chosen a better home for Soup. It brings tears to my eyes just writing this because we love him so much. He is such a good cat, he has so many nicknames, I akways say he is super duper, the superest guy ever, and so on.
I always tell him he is famous, because I still see flyers for his rescue organization , 4paws1heart, with his picture on it displayed in pet stores and such. ~ Mary Beth”
4/5/24 – He was “just a stray who came around once in awhile” and then one day he showed up like this. The family brought him to a nearby veterinary clinic where it was determined that he would need his eye removed. The family covered the visit which included fiv/felv test and treatment for the infection but they could not afford the cost of the eye removal. Someone told the family to contact 4 paws 1 heart. Thankfully, we are able to help and Lucky has an appointment on May 1. If Lucky has not been neutered, that will be done at the same time and he will get vaccinated. The family will keep in touch with the clinic just in case they can get Lucky in sooner. Lucky is lucky to have found a family who will give him a loving home. – diana
4/4/24 – Elusia’s journey began in early December. The caretaker of a cat community contacted Milad, who had earlier been responsible for trapping and spaying/neutering the community. The caretaker thought one of the cats was pregnant although the ear was tipped. Still thinking she was pregnant, Elusia was taken to All About Animals. There the rescuer was told that Elusia was already spayed but showed symptoms for FIP (feline infectious peritonitis). Unfortunately, the location did not have the ability to run the appropriate test so we were contacted and Elusia was taken to Orion Animal Hospital. Dr. Zalac wasn’t sure of a FIP diagnosis and over the following months, Elusia continued to have high amounts of fluid drained from her body. She received treatments for FIP but on March 11 it was determined that this poor baby, who turned out to be a boy, was just too severely ill and it was decided to let him cross the Rainbow Bridge. May he rest in heaven and may God be with all of the amazing people who continue to rescue in spite of the heartbreak. – diana