2/22/24 – Smokey is one of approximately 16 stray cats being cared for by a kind woman on the west side of Detroit. Smokey has been on and off ill for the past month. He’s had bleeding paws and weight loss but then appeared to get well with antibiotics. But recently the bleeding started again and Smokey took up residence in a shelter kept on the finder’s porch. Roxanne, Smokey’s finder, took him to a vet where he was again treated with antibiotics but she couldn’t afford any additional treatment. She then contacted us. Smokey was seen yesterday by Dr. Mina, Five Mile Animal Hospital. Dr. Mina reported that both of Smokey’s paws were torn open and were severely lacerated and infected. Smokey was sedated and his paws were cleaned and sutured. Roxanne is hoping to find a home for Smokey. If you can help, please contact her at: [email protected] – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2/21/24 – He was found a few nights ago, crying at the door wall of his rescuer. He’s very friendly but may have an eyesight issue. He was also very matted although had spots of lost hair. He will be seen at one of our partner veterinary clinics and his rescuer will find him a good home. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2/20/24 – Yesterday I got an e mail from a very kind man who had come across a dog lying, balled up, in a vacant lot. The man, Anthony, saw that Rocky’s front paw was severely swollen with multiple cuts on it. Fortunately, Rocky was able to get into one of our great partner veterinary clinics today where it was found that Rocky had been shot and a bullet was embedded in his paw thus causing a severe infection. Unfortunately, Rocky was also found positive for heart worm. This morning Anthony contacted me with the report, very upset because already he felt an emotional connection to this poor, abused dog. Once I advised Anthony that we would take care of Rocky’s surgery and heart worm treatment, he was elated with the news. Please remember Rocky in your prayers as well as Anthony and the many good samaritans like him who never turn their backs. Rocky is now on antibiotics and pain meds while we wait for the next steps. Anthony will keep us informed. – diana

Donations Save Lives! P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2/19/24 – Linx is a 3-4 years old community cat who will never live outside again. He was recently trapped with a severely infected eye which will need removal. He will be seen at West Flint Hospital this week for the surgery. Once recovered, he will be up for adoption by Sherri P. who has taken on the responsibility.

I don’t know what these poor animals would do without the kind people who see and injured/sick animal and don’t turn their backs. And, I don’t know what these animals would do without your support which makes our work possible. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


2/19/24 – Angel is a community cat being cared for by a woman who lives in the mobile home park. As a result of a severe UTI, Angel developed a kidney stone. We were contacted by an organization, SNiP, whose mission is to spay/neuter to see if we could help. Angel had her surgery this past Friday and we were able to help with the medical bill. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


These 3 babies and their mom went to WAG rescue If you are interested in adoption please contact them. Gina

These three 12 week old babies and the mom were going to be tossed outside until someone stepped up. The rescuer took them into her home when they were only a few days old. She covered the costs of spay/neutering for all of them. The black kitten became sick with bloodclots in his stool and for fear of his survival we offered to help. That’s when I found out the woman needed assistance with kitten food. A call was put out on my page and the babies are fully stocked up and already gaining weight. They all need homes or a rescue. Please contact her if you can help. [email protected] Jordan. We will be covering vaccines for all of them. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Remember sweet precious Mia who was found frozen 2 weeks ago and full of frostbite? I was just talking with her rescuer and her tail and ear amputation are healing, but her pads on feet are sloughing and damaged from the frostbite. We are having the doctor recheck her tomorrow for possibly another round of antibiotics to prevent secondary infection. This girl still needs to be vaccinated and fixed. If you would like to donate to Mia here is the link and put Mia in the note. We will post after her hospital visit tomorrow. Thank you Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Just a quick hello from Muffins’. She is doing amazing since her nasopharyngeal stent placement surgery last May. She is thriving in every way and I’m so happy we went with the surgery. Muffins’ is truly living her best life. If you search for her on our Facebook or our Website you can follow her incredible journey. I am forever grateful for our supporters who helped make this happen. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


I remember that night in April of 2011 like it was yesterday when a good samaritan rushed this girl into the emergency hospital because she had been hit by a car. Her body was lying in the street with a traffic cone beside her. Cars just kept going. Detroit and Warren wouldn’t respond because she was on the border. A resident walked up to her and she reacted as if that was her family, but they said “nope not my dog” and then walked away. The good samaritan then decided to wrap her in a blanket and brought her to the emergency where I was working at the time.

I offered to have her surrendered to me and 4 Paws 1 Heart would cover her medical. She was named “Dolly” and although she was in shock, bloody, full of abrasions, and hurting, there was not a mean bone in her body. Dr. Roach and I worked on getting her back to health and it was pretty immediate when Dr. Roach fell in love and offered a forever home to Dolly. She ended up covering all of her medical care and gave Dolly the best life ever. There was nothing and I mean NOTHING that Dolly ever needed or wanted. She went to games, traveled, and lived with lots of fur brothers and sisters.

Dolly may have been injured that day, but that incident was the start of her new journey. A few days ago Dolly was put to rest. Her mommy has a shattered heart and misses her beyond words. Please keep Dr. Roach in your prayers as she faces this unbareable loss. I can not stress the impact on animals and humans because of our supporters. It’s because of animals like Dolly that 4 Paws 1 Heart was born. Rest peacefully sweet girl. You had 13 amazing years of endless love. Never forgotten.. Gina

I so remember this incident, Gina, when you contacted me about the call that night. We had so many successes in the days you were at The Emergency in Harper Woods and so many memories. You and the amazing doctors,like Dr. Roach, made such a difference in the lives of humans and the animals saved as well as all of those good Samaritans and first responders who didn’t turn their backs. Your experience at the hospital was the impetus to us starting 4 paws 1 Heart — an organization that wasn’t a rescue but an organization, like no other, that would fund medical treatment for the many animals who were found sick and injured but had no one to help them medically. Thank you for reminding us of sweet Dolly. God bless Dr. Roach for stepping in when she did and then giving Dolly so many years of love and fun. RIH sweet Dolly; furever in our hearts and history. – Diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


She has been seen wandering around a trailer park in Warren. Residents feed her and she greets them for loving often. A kind family could not stand the thought of Cali freezing during the brutal cold, so they brought her in. They reported her to animal control as found, but no one has shown ownership. Sweet little Cali has a couple broken teeth but she checked out well. 4 paws 1 heart helped get her off to a good start making sure she is healthy, and if no owner comes forward she has a forever home. Your donations save lives. – Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

She’s a wonderful addition to our family!!! She will never go hungry, be cold or go without love ever again!! Thank you for all your love and care. – Nancy