9/20/23 – Princess was found chained to a fence with no homes or people around. A kind man who was on his route rescued her and had his daughter contact us. Princess will be seen at Orion Animal Hospital and tested for heart worm, vaccinated, and spayed if needed and will then be a permanent part of the family. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


9/20/23 – Brownie and Eddy were found during a TNR project. Each one has an eye infection, injured eye, or an upper respiratory infection. Brownie’s stomach is huge and she is either pregnant or has worms. Both will be seen at Orion Animal Hospital and when ready will be getting their vaccines and spay neuter. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Please check out Jack’s initial postings on 8/6/23 (as Orange) & 9/13/23 about his journey after an initial dental surgery that went totally wrong. Here is his rescuer’s update:

“Hi Diana,

I wanted to give you a quick, positive update as to how my weekend went with Jack. He’s tolerating his tube feedings so well! He’s gotten used to our schedule and will start meowing when he knows it’s almost time. Today, I walked into the room to find he’d removed his t-shirt and put it in his litter box. He may be trying to tell us something

For his last feed of the day, I placed him on a table next to a crate where I have two semi-ferals kittens. Keep in mind, he shows absolutely no interest to his food while I’m tube feeding. However, when he sniffed out the dish of kitten food on the other side of the bars, he reached in so fast in an attempt to grab a handful. It made me so happy because it’s the first I’ve seen him act like a mischievous cat again.

Also, I’m pretty sure he said some harsh things to me when I put him back in his crate. I know he’s a cat, but there was definitely a tone to that meow.

We go for his checkup on Wednesday afternoon. Today is the most confident I’ve felt since his surgery that he’s gonna pull through this like a champ

You have my endless gratitude!-Angie”

Here are updated photos of Jack after having a bath (he’s so cute) and back, safe, in his healing crate. Please realize that your donations do make a difference. If it’s not life-saving surgeries it’s just the ‘standard’ testing, vaccines, and spay/neuter. All of which are life changing–for the animals and the humans who rescue them and later bring them into their homes. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Friday night, we’ll be at Detroit Grille House, from 9 to 1! Saturday night, $5 will get you in to catch us at Road Rangers! Sunday, from 12 to 8, a $10 donation will allow you to witness, and be a part of the unofficial official ROAST of Screamin Scott, at Freddy’s! Featuring some local bands, and comedians, benefiting 4 Paws 1 Heart!

Are you full of Chit? Catch us if you can! P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


9/18/23 – Leo was seen alone and injured at an abandoned building in Detroit. He was very thin with open wounds and seemed to have trouble standing on his back legs. Cristin, who contacted us, was going to help the finder by trapping him; it was unknown if he was feral or friendly. Leo was authorized to see our partner veterinary doctor at Five Mile Animal Hospital and he was trapped two days later and brought into Cristin’s home. She treated his wounds and an appointment was made for tomorrow. She reported today that Leo is doing better than expected — eating and drinking; she will let me know how the appointment goes. Paws crossed for this sweet boy. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


About 11 years ago on a Sunday morning my friend James called to ask if I could help catch a dog at large in Saint Clair Shores. The dog was terrified, emaciated, full of fly bites, and hungry. My husband and I jumped in the car and went into action. I lured the dog out of a wooded field behind an abandoned building and James brought him home. 4 paws 1 heart offered to cover all medical while James offered his heart, home, and named him Buddy. James soon fell in love and Buddy was a foster failure.

Buddy came with challenges, but James was committed to making it work. They have been inseparable ever since. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


9/1523 – Follow Up after the appointment. Sweet Grisette has been diagnosed with cancer. Dr. Z has prescribed some medicine that she hopes will make Grisette comfortable through the progression. Grisette will be monitored closely and when needed will continue to see Dr. Z. In the meantime, Grisette will be loved and cared for by her foster families and foster aunties. – diana

CHANCE: Goood morning Team!

This is our friend, senior foster Grisette! She’s the little sweetie you help with her special ProPlan food. Mom is at Dr. Z right now with Grisette cus she has a bloated belly and we’re trying to find out what’s wrong. So stay tuned for update later today. Thank you to 4 Paws 1 Heart for having Grisettes back…and tummy A Second Chance For Chance

Donations at work! P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080