8/24/23 – On 8/21/23 I posted Tabby’s story. She had been through so much in her life and finally we thought she was on the mend and ready to move on to a loving and safe life. She was seen by one of the best veterinarians in our community. But, unfortunately, during her follow up visit yesterday, the doctor found Tabby’s condition much worse than thought and she was humanely euthanized to end her suffering. I asked the doctor what was found which lead to the decision made by her and Tabby’s foster mom and she kindly sent me the following information:

“Unfortunately, Tabby developed some more severe complications, with necrotic fistulas under her tongue. She presented with a high fever, discomfort and there didn’t appear to be any improvement around her lower jaw and under her tongue. She was also down a pound. We discussed whether to change her antibiotics and increase the frequency of feeding but we went in knowing this wasn’t a straight forward stomatitis and I was hoping for much better results. Although she tested negative a second time prior to the procedure, my concern there was still some more severe underlying condition. The ulcers on the top of her tongue had healed and the roof of the mouth and upper jaw was healing but the lower jaw and under the tongue was actually getting worse. Following euthanasia I was able to observe some deep fistulous necrotic paths back to the pharynx and it was affecting the back of her throat. It was the right decision for her because this condition is painful and typically we see rapid improvement. It was very likely that she was going to continue to get worse. We decided to end her pain, and save funds to help others in need.”

One of the most difficult decisions any pet owner or rescuer must make is when to end an animal’s suffering — we pray they could talk and let us know. But, as humans, we must always put their quality of life ahead of our own emotions and I’m thankful that Tabby’s foster mom, Kate, and our caring doctor did just that. May you Rest In Peace Sweet Baby, your life mattered and you were much loved. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/23/23 – Scrappy was found on the street with an injury to his back and front right leg. His finder could not find anyone to claim him and took him to Project Hope in Pontiac which x rayed the leg and found two fractures; they also did blood work and vaccinated him. He was then referred to another vet (whom we’ve worked with) to have the leg put in a cast. This was done and we were able to assist with most of the cost of casting and the other day, his rescuer and now permanent mom, reported that Scrappy is doing great, loves her cats as well as her grandchildren, and will have a loving home from now on.

As an after note, there is no doubt in my mind that if Scrappy had not been rescued, he would have surely wound up killed by a car or used as bait for dog fighting. Saving lives — 4 Paws at a tiime! – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/23/23 – He was recently rescued from a mobile home park where he was left behind by his prior owners. Fortunately, that particular park has many kind people who work at getting the many cats left behind neutered and vaccinated and Simba appears to have been already neutered. Carolyn, who lives down the street from the park and is active in rescue, contacted us because she saw that Simba was limping so she took him home with her. She saw quite a wound on his leg which was oozing blood and pus. Carolyn was able to get Simba into All About Animals Rescue and the doctor advised that Simba’s leg was infected from a deep bite wound. The wound was treated and Simba was given medication. He did test negative for FIV/FelV and will be vaccinated when the infection clears. Simba will then be ready for a furever loving home. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/22/23 Snow Update

The wound is slowly healing with daily bandage changes. I am looking for someone to take him over the next 2 weekends Fri or Sat to Monday I really could use help. Please message me if willing to assist in getting him over this hump for healing. Located in Saint Clair Shores. My email is [email protected]. This is from today. Thank you, Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/22/23 – You might remember Kizmet, if not you can see her story on our website or our posting of July 26. The short story was that she was found after being accidentally run over by a hi-lo. Her siblings were dead but Kizmet was alive although her little leg was nearly hanging off of her body. Our great friends and doctor at Orion Animal Hospital took her in right away and part of her leg was amputated. She was then put into the excellent hands of our friend Emily K. There have been so many cases lately that I failed to give you updates as has provided by Emily but here they are:

8/2/23 – Emily reported that sweet Kizmet was doing much better although had a few rough days. For the first few days fluid was filling up around her chest wound under the skin. Emily had to “poke” and drain a huge pocket of fluid on a nightly basis. Everything done was with Dr. Zalac’s permission and guidance. The fluid appeared to have been a seroma probably from the trauma the baby’s body suffered. Kizmet’s leg was healing beautifully but finally she was showing interest in being bottle fed after being tube fed during the first week.

8/15/23 – Kizmet was well enough to get her first vaccine.

8/16/23 – Kizmet continued to be improving but her little stump was very irritated so Emily ordered silicon thimbles to protect the stump until she’s big enough for full amputation of her leg. Emily was also going to check in with Pawsitive Steps Rehabilitation & Sports Medicine to see if there was anything else we should be doing. Emily also said her “purr motor is on point.”

8/22/23 – And today I spoke with Courtney at Orion Animal Hospital and she reported that Kizmet was just at the office for another follow up. Here she is with her little thimble. Kizmet is still doing great but Dr. Zalac confirmed that Kizmet’s leg would have to be amputated when she is big enough.

Continued prayers for this little girl who’s been through so much. Only with your donations can we continued the work we do. Thank YOU. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/22/23 – Saving those who have no one else is all about relationships. We are so very proud of our relationships with some of the best veterinary hospitals in our communities. Orion Animal Hospital, owned by Dr. Natalie Zalac, and staffed by amazing professionals is one of those hospitals.

We are so thankful to be able to help Autumn. It is suspected that she was thrown out of a car after being embedded with a bot fly. The person who found her threatened to leave her by the side of the road if someone didn’t take her. Of course, we said yes when we were asked to help. Courtney advised that she is very sweet and is looking for her furever home. If anyone can give her the love and care she deserves, please private message Courtney. – diana

Autumn was found eating from a dumpster. It appears she had a previous wound that has healed and some road rash . She is so incredibly sweet and will be searching for her forever home soon!

PLEASE SPAY AND NUETER YOUR PETS! We now have a cat in a dog rescue lol

I have had a lot of help this year from 4paws1heart and I am asking that we make some donations back to them, if possible! – Courtney P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/21/23 – First, I’d like to ask for your understanding in this long post but I would like to give our supporters a sense of what goes on every minute, every day in the world of helping stray, abandoned, and abused animals. And our stories are not singular — every person involved with saving animals goes through similar cases multiple times a day. This case started in early July. A close friend of 4p1h contacted me about a cat found in a colony where the caretaker believed the cat had swallowed a fish hook. Here is the story:

“Good morning, Diana,

This is Kate, a friend of Debbie’s, who had been fostering Fish, now named Tabby, since the 4th of July weekend when 4 Paws generously offered to sponsor her care at Groesbeck Animal Hospital.

Since then she has recovered from the Calicivirus Dr. K. diagnosed, gained weight, is able to stand and walk, and is much cleaner (this little girl loves being groomed and pampered). Unfortunately, her mouth has not healed. We had hoped she would be able to rejoin her colony, but when I took her to All About Animals last week for vaccinations and to be spayed, Dr. Quick, noticed her tongue has not healed, she has gingivostomatitis, her tongue is hyperplastic (occasionally bleeding), and an older fracture of her right stifle at the connection to the tibia. This sweet little girl has really had a difficult time in her young life. The colony caretaker clearly didn’t appreciate her gentle nature, describing her as, “too simple to fight for her food, and filthy as a rat.” She’s really a sweetheart who could have been suffering for a long time and unable to groom herself or take care of her kittens!

Anyway, Debbie mentioned that you approved a follow up visit for her at Patterson Veterinary Hospital. If possible, I would like to see if Dr. Lynch is available to see her. She was so supportive to both Sadie and me when 4 Paws sponsored her last year. Between your sponsorship, and Dr. Lynch’s care, Sadie was able to live a comfortable and happy life until lymphoma took her earlier this year.

I’ve told Debbie, Fish (Tabby) is welcome to live with me as long as needed – like forever if that is what is best for her. We just need to discover what she needs to live her healthiest life possible.

I’ve attached a couple of pictures of her contrasting how much she’s changed since leaving her outside life behind. She’s gained quite a bit of weight, is much cleaner, and has thankfully learned there are humans she can trust.

Have a great day! And thank you, and the all the supporters of 4 Paws, who make life better for so many animals.”

On August 14, Tabby (aka Fish) saw Dr. Lynch at Patterson Veterinary in Clinton Twp and here is Kate’s update:

“I apologize for not getting in touch with you sooner. It has been a busy, but promising week. Dr. Lynch is positively amazing(!!!) and her LVT, Amanda, is equally professional, knowledgeable, and compassionate.

Sweet little Tabby’s stomatitis had done more damage than initially anticipated. Dr. Lynch had hoped to be able to save some of her teeth, but, unfortunately, she had to perform a full mouth extraction. Her teeth, gums, and tongue were all affected. The good news is she’s recovering well. With medication to control pain, fight off the infection, and keep her tummy calm, she’s settling in well with her feeding tube. We ran into a little glitch when it was discovered the port had a slight crack and had to be replaced Thursday morning, but now all is going well. She’s not interested in eating or drinking yet on her own, but that will come in time and we’ll be sending pictures of of happy, pain-free cat.

Diana, following the life stories of the animals 4 Paws reaches out to in their time of need is both heart wrenching and heart warming. For all the suffering, there are so many incredibly wonderful people who come together, as you say, the “Village”, who give of their time, donations, and veterinary skills to reach as many animals as possible. It is truly amazing! A humongous hug and thank to you, to everyone on your board, the donors, and the veterinary partners who work so hard to change the lives of so many animals in our area.

Tabby didn’t have much life left in her tiny body before Debbie (a.k.a., Super Rescuer Extraordinaire), received a call that there was a cat with a fish hook in her mouth. She asked if I could foster her and get her to her vet appointments until she could return to her colony. Well, little did we know she had two little kittens she was trying to care for, a fractured leg she had been walking around so long it had healed (she can’t jump, but walks up a little ramp to sleep in the sun), enough oil, soil, and mats in her coat to protect her from the BB’s entering her body, and a wound on her back. Only because of the generosity of the 4 Paws Village, she will now have an opportunity to spend her life in good health and with all the love she can soak up.

Thanks so much! We’ll let you know how Tabby’s follow up appointment with Dr. Lynch goes next Wednesday. “

And so, dear fellow animal lovers, this is what it’s all about.- diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/21/23 – On August 10 Bandit was trapped during a TNR project and was thought to have only one eye. We approved Bandit’s medical visit at All About Animals Rescue along with a few other strays who were trapped . At the time, the doctor thought that Bandit’s eye may have possibly ruptured. She was spayed, vaccinated, tested, and her eye was treated with terramycin. We then authorized an appointment at Orion Animal Hospital to have Bandit’s follow up exam. Today, Bandit was seen and it was determined that her eye would need to be removed. Her surgery is scheduled for this Wednesday. Please remember Bandit and the many stray and injured animals on our streets. May they find themselves in the arms of caring people like Elizabeth S. who we’ve been trying to help with TNR as well as with cases like Bandit’s. So many are in need and your donations give the animals who do come to us a second chance at life. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


This boy is so sweet and hasn’t shown a spec of aggression. His neck will probably take a few weeks to heal and in the meantime we r looking for a temporary medical foster. Someone to keep him at their home and transport him to and from the vet while healing. His rescuer can not do this due to her work schedule. The vet is in SCS and I’d just need u to bring him for bandage changes every other day. Please message me if you can help. [email protected] P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080