His rescuer contacted us because she was concerned about FIP which can be fatal. His belly is bloated and can sometimes be an indicator. We sent out a test which should be back on Monday. Please keep Paws crossed that he is healthy. He is an adorable baby. This week has been brutal with stray animals in need of emergency attention. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


I was contacted about an emergency with a stray kitten who was having severe diarrhea and not gaining weight. Fortunately, I was able to get him into the vet for an exam and a treatment plan. His name is Pewter and he only weighs 1 pound. He is a little lover and 4 Paws 1 Heart is covering his medical care. He is too little to be adopted and he still needs to be tested and vaccinated, but if you are interested in information about adoption please contact the rescuer Andrea Dow .

Thank you, Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Thank you for everything! – Andrea


8/18/23 – Gimp was rescued with a suspected broken leg by our Board member, Melissa. He was taken to Orion Animal Hospital where it was determined that the break had already been healing. A person who fosters for our friends at Tigerlily Cat Rescue took in Gimp while she continued to heal but the other day she noticed that Gimp had a sore on her leg which was oozing pus and her leg was very tender to the touch. She was taken back to Orion yesterday where the sore was cleaned and treated for an infection. The sore is now being watched closely in that if the infection travels into the bone, it could require surgery. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/18/23 – So, you’ve seen the story of Snow and his updates, and the story of Mama Rose, and now here is the story of Hazel. They all happened this past week. Thankfully, Gina was able to take in Snow at Moore Vet and Five Mile Animal Hospital was able to get in Mama Rose to save her life and I was finally able to get the help Hazel needed from our caring veterinarian at Patterson Veterinary Hospital in Clinton Twp. Here is Hazel’s story from when we were contacted on August 15:

“I have a 2 yr old pregnant cat we rescued 5 weeks ago. She delivered one kitten 9 hours ago we took her to the emergency vet but they will not do the c-section that she needs to live without $3400 up front. Please anyway you could help even just pointing me in the right direction. I received your email from a longtime friend that I knew had cats. I’m messaging every person I’ve ever met that has a cat for any info please any help would mean the world. She needs to have a c-section. I know we are probably going to lose the rest of the kittens and I’ve prepared myself and kids for that but this little girl has been the best cat even though we were the first humans to ever show her love and compassion she even made my boyfriend a not cat person.. melt.-Ashleigh”

Well, to make a long story short, we worked together from early morning until 4:30 p.m. Through telephone calls I learned that the first baby had been half way out of the birth canal when she was taken to the emergency hospital; Hazel was given medication and returned to the two amazing women working together to save the lives of the babies and the mom, Hazel. After watching her all night, the baby was born and miraculously lived but Ashleigh and her friend were able to feel two more babies. Hazel continued to try to birth the babies as we continued to get her into one of our partner vet hospitals. At the point of danger, Hazel was projectile vomiting and in serious distress. Unfortunately, Snow was with one of our partner vets who squeezed him in earlier, our other partner vet, Orion’s Dr. Zalac was involved in an exploratory surgery and even with that the hospital would be a 40 minute drive for Ashleigh. I then called our amazing friends at Patterson Veterinary Hospital in Clinton Twp. where Dr. Lynch advised me to have Hazel brought in asap. Ashleigh already had the bags packed and Hazel and her baby ready to go and they were at Patterson sooner than I could tell the vet they were on their way. Dr. Lynch stayed over time to perform the c-section and unfortunately, the two babies were already dead. It was life saving for Hazel because the babies’ excrements had already been seeping into Hazel’s body and she would have died from sepsis had she not had the immediate surgery. And, today, all is good. I spoke with Ashleigh yesterday and Hazel is doing great and so is her baby. I reported back to the staff at Orion because they were concerned and sorry that they could not help. So, once again, it takes a village of caring people, caring veterinarians and their staffs, and our caring donors. Thank YOU from Ashleigh, Hazel, and 4 Paws 1 Heart.

P.S. Hazel will be going to Ashleigh’s friend when she is finished nursing and the baby will be with Ashleigh’s family. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/16//23 – He was a stray wandering the streets when he was obviously struck by fireworks and his tail was severely burnt. A kind woman and her daughter saw Simba and took him in and proceeded to find help. Although, the family was not in our nearby communities, I did offer to help through one of their local vets. Simba was taken there and the veterinarian reported that Simba’s burn was very severe and would require a specialist. Also, after further examination and blood work, the veterinarian diagnosed several serious medical issues which would require much more care. After discussion with the doctor, it was agreed that Simba should be left to cross the Rainbow Bridge peacefully and with love. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/17/23 – Tanisha contacted us last Friday about a dog she rescued as she was entering a shelter to possibly adopt a dog. The woman she met, who had Mama Rose and her six 6-week old puppies, said she was moving out of State and couldn’t take them with her so she was leaving them at the shelter. Tanisha took in the family but poor Rose had diarrhea, blood in her urine, a rash, and was drastically underweight. Tanisha was able to get Rose into her veterinary clinic who did an ultrasound and gave meds for the diarrhea. Tanisha tried to get more information from the prior owner but the woman pretty much brushed her off and obviously didn’t want to be bothered. Poor Rose, at just one year old, had never been to a vet nor had received any vaccines. But now, ALL IS GOOD, much to the credit of Tanisha’s tenacity and the generosity of our donors. Tanisha had surgery for pyometra which included her spay. She went home the same day and Tanisha reports that she is doing great. Her babies are now 8 weeks old and we will make sure they at least get their vaccines as appropriate. – diana

It Takes A Village to Make A Change P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


More kittens helped. Vaccinated, fixed, and checked out. All medical was covered by 4 paws 1 heart.

Please contact Natalie for adoption information. Thank you, Gina

Charger, Harley, Miata, and Nova are ready for homes! 4 Paws 1 Heart covered all medical and if your interested please contact Natalie at [email protected]. Our donation link to help more homeless like these babies is: P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/16/23 – Melissa has been tirelessly working to trap the strays in her neighborhood and with the help of 4 Paws 1 Heart, get everyone vaccinated/spayed/neutered/tested (when needed) and either released to the neighborhood where Melissa will feed them and provide shelter or find a furever home. Once again, a Village effort between our good friend, Debra Berolatti, who took care of the transportation, Melissa for trapping and socializing, All About Animals for providing low cost animal care, and our many donors who make this possible. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

I am going to miss you Gimper. The little feral kitten I trapped a few weeks ago. She was pretty feral when I got her but now she is domesticated and heading to a rescue to find a new home. Thank you 4 Paws 1 heart. – Melissa