8/16/23 – In late May, Elizabeth, whom we’ve assisted with medical for her tnr project in her neighborhood, contacted us about another family she found on the streets. As she was driving in her neighborhood, a little cat ran in front of her car and then was gone. The next day she went back and found a mama and 3 cats about 4 months old (mama was the same size as her babies). Elizabeth, picked up mama and saw that she had been lactating so she continued her search only to find 3 more babies. Elizabeth had been working with the Oakland County Animal Shelter and Pet Adoption Center for two years and has tnr’d several cats and worked with the Center who had adopted out the many cats she rescued. At first the Center agreed to take in the 4-month old, which they did. Elizabeth contacted us for help with the mom and younger kittens. We had approved that in addition to a special approval for one of the kittens, Blueberry, who had an eye infection. The bottom line is that Blueberry was seen at Orion Animal Hospital and was given medication for his infection. The Center took in the other babies and covered their vetting. At this time Bliss and Sweety (the mom) still need their furever home, Blueberry was adopted a week ago and Button has been adopted. Here are photos of the Sweety and her babies when first rescued, Blueberry then and Blueberry when he was adopted. Props to Oakland County for becoming an integral partner to saving animals. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/16/23 – Just a baby but appeared pregnant. Fortunately, two kind women took her in and contacted us. We approved Sweetpea to be seen at one of our partner veterinary clinics, Five Mile Animal Hospital. The doctor confirmed that little Sweetpea was approximately 6 months old and was in fact pregnant. For her health, the doctor and rescuers agreed that Sweetpea should still be spayed and save her and the potential kittens from further complications. Sweetpea was taken in by Colony Cat Club to find her furever home. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


Update 8/15: Unfortunately, he tested positive for FIV but he is otherwise in good health. He was neutered today and his wound was addressed. This is going to take some time to heal. He may need daily bandage changes until skin closes up. It was likely from some sort of trauma. Snow is INCREDIBLY sweet and deserves a forever home. Gina P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

When I found this little guy he met me everyday for the past year meets me at the same time morning and night and when I noticed we think an animal got him or his head was stuck in something and he just pulled and pulled on it until he realeased himself. He is the most absolutle humble cat I’ve ever met. He’s an angel and he is very much loved. I am so greatful for Gina I have been sick about this. Her post made me ball my eyes out . I’m crying happy tears and I can’t wait to bring him home and show him the love HE DESERVES. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR SUPPORT. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. – Amanda


Paws crossed.. I’m sorry for the graphic pic but this is why we need your support because of animals like this who are found injured, in pain, and helpless. We were contacted today and fortunately able to get him in for care. Thank you Moore Veterinary Hospital for allowing us to get help initiated for Snow even though the schedule was packed. His angel rescuer, Amanda, can sleep well tonight knowing he is in good hands. I’ll update tomorrow once we have been able to address the wound. For now, antibiotics, pain medication, and fluids have been given to get him comfortable and stable for anesthesia in the morning. If you would like to donate our link is – P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Thank you, Gina


8/15/23 – It was July 20, 2023 when I first heard from Carolyn about a local mobile home park which was being cleared of all of the mobile homes. Carolyn reported that cats were scattering everywhere as heavy equipment and vehicles were being brought in. The park management began to kick out caretakers of the stray cats who had been left behind and left to multiply. Bob was one of those poor animals. He was found squatting beneath a trailer which was scheduled to be torn down. Bob appeared to be in a great deal of pain around his mouth; the rescuer was concerned about a serious infection. Bob also appeared to have an upper respiratory infection. Carolyn and her friend were doing everything possible to catch the many cats and get them vetted/spayed/neutered on their own but they needed help for Bob. We were thankful to be a part of that Village and offered to help in any way we could. Bob has been treated for the infections and will have dental surgery on August 22. Carolyn reported today that Bob is stable, eating and grooming but still in some pain. Please pray for all of the animals on our streets. You may be seeing more and more posts from us because of the overwhelming number of requests for help that we’ve been getting. One last thing I’d like to add — when I asked Carolyn to give me a name for the cat (as I normally do) she said this: “I am calling him Bob because he appears to have just been ignored, forgotten or invisible to people, as in the movie “What About Bob”. – diana

Only with your donations can we continue to save the lives of so many and relieve their pain and stop the overpopulation. God Bless the Rescuers and our amazing Veterinary Doctors and Staffs. P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/15/23 – She appeared to have a broken leg which was later confirmed when her rescuer took her to a local veterinary clinic. Penelope’s leg was x-rayed and the doctor diagnosed a broken femur and advised her rescuer that the surgery would cost $2,500. Because the rescuer could not afford the surgery, Penelope was given an injection for pain and her leg was wrapped; that is when we were contacted. We authorized Penelope to be seen by one of our amazing veterinary partners, Dr. Lynch, at Patterson Veterinary Hospital. Dr. Lynch confirmed the diagnosis and Penelope had her surgery.

Penelope’s rescuer reported yesterday that Penelope is doing great and her follow up appointments have confirmed the leg is healing properly.

Two lives (one human and one feline) changed because of the generosity of our donors. Thank YOU – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/14/23 – Found born in a boat located at a boat yard. Our friend, Shawn, who, along with her EMT daughter, has rescued dozens of kittens and cats, contacted us for help to get them ready for adoption. Both babies were taken to Patterson Veterinary Hospital and were tested (negative), vaccinated, and spayed. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080


8/14/23 – Jack is one of dozens of cats we have been contacted about in the past 2 weeks. He is a member of a colony taken care of by a very kind woman whom we’ve helped in the past. We were called about helping Jack with an ear infection. Jack was seen and given medication. Although the infection seemed to clear, Jack then seemed to have ear mites (which were not seen during the first exam). Again, he returned to the veterinary clinic where he received medication for the ear mites. Paws crossed, this little guy will be fully recovered soon. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080