Asher’s Surgery went well

9/12/2024 – Surgery went well. He is awake and comfortable.

Huge thank you to one of our amazing surgeons, Dr Hilton. It was a very unique injury. There was lysis of the humerus, radius, and ulna due to an infection, and the Radial Nerve was entrapped and pinched within the humerus bone.

His overall cost of care with Surgery is a lot, and he still needs vaccines. Please donate if you can. Gina

Asher is Scheduled for Surgery

9/11/24 Asher is scheduled for amputation surgery of his front leg in the morning. Please keep him in your prayers that he does well, and if you can donate to Asher we certainly appreciate any help. I will be assisting with his surgery and keep everyone updated as soon as he is recovered. He gas been through so much since his rescuer found him In July.

We have been doing everything we can possibly do to help him. Gina

Asher Update

8/22/24 Asher update. Last Wednesday night his elbow ruptured in 2 places and it was full of Abscess material. Asher has been getting daily bandages since and the wound looks wonderful. Unfortunately, he is still not baring any weight on the leg. I’m a little concerned that there is more going on than the Abscess, but only time will tell. Radial Nerve damage has crossed my mind and I hope I’m wrong. I will update soon. Please consider making a donation for this guy. His bills are certainly adding up. Thank you, Gina

More Prayers Needed for Asher

8/16/24 Asher update. For everyone following his story and my posts, I want to let you know the swelling around his elbow was an abscess. It ruptured around 1am Wednesday morning and fortunately I was able to get him seen as an emergency. Thank you Moore Veterinary Hospital especially Dr. Henry, LVT Trisha, and all who assisted yesterday.

Asher lost a large portion of skin from his elbow down and this will hopefully heal without a soft tissue surgeon specialist. The staff are doing wet to dry bandages daily and he is on meds for pain.

We added in a special ordered antibiotic for broader spectrum coverage. This poor guy has been on antibiotics for 1 month already! We don’t know the cause of this abscess and we won’t know how he will do until we take it day to day. As much skin as possible was closed. Please keep prayers going and please send in a donation if you can. Gina Asher is 13 weeks old and he has been through so much.

Any Help for Asher is Greatly Needed and Appreciated

8/11/24 – Unfortunately, we don’t know what is wrong with Asher. A lot has happened since he was found a month ago. He got over what we think was toxoplasmosis and now he has a painful swelling in his front right elbow. I spent a large portion of Friday talking with doctors from 4 different hospitals.

He may need to go to an internal medicine specialist or orthopedic both of which we cannot afford.. Tomorrow we will be adding in another antibiotic that has to be special ordered. He is on pain and anti inflammatory meds. This could be an infection in the bone or joint but he is not responding to the antibiotic that treats bone infection. He is very painful.

Any help for Asher is greatly needed and appreciated. Gina

Asher is recovering from Toxoplasmosis

7/24/2024 -This beautiful boy now named Asher is recovering from Toxoplasmosis. This is the 1st case I’ve ever seen.

He was found dragging his rear legs and unable to urinate. His rescuer reached out to us for help almost 2 weeks ago. She was able to get his initial care covered with donations which really helped to get his treatment started. To keep cost down he was treated based on symptoms. However, the doctors feel certain he was positive based on lab work and his response to treatment.

On July 12th I was able to get him in over at Moore Veterinary Hospital for continued care and today his rescuer said he is urinating and now able to walk on his own! His last dose of meds is tomorrow and we will then help get his vaccines started. Gina