Gina’s Foster Fluffy

8/3/2024 – I have been treating my sweet little foster dog, Fluffy, for a desmetoseal ulcer in his left eye and it was looking like it was almost healed.

Unfortunately, his eye ruptured on Thursday morning and Thank God I was able to get him right in for surgery to remove the eye. Huge thank you to Dr Hilton at Moore Veterinary Hospital!!! Fluffy was doing well with the every 2 hours meds around the clock, but the eye was just to fragile from the damage.

This week we will have to recheck his tear production in the better eye and possibly add in a new medication. Between his meds, lab work, surgery, food, basic necessities, and his follow up care it’s all adding up. If you are interested in donating towards Fluffy I have posted our link.

Thank you💗 Gina

This is “Fluffy”

7/25/2024 – This is “Fluffy”. He was diagnosed with a desmetoseal caused by an underlying congenital condition called “Dry Eye” which resulted in a severe deep eye ulcer that requires immediate attention and often times graft surgery or eye removal.

I am currently fostering Fluffy and treating both of his eyes with multiple medications every 2 hours around the clock. He is scheduled in 2 weeks for an eye removal, but I’m hoping for a MIRACLE in the meantime, so I will not be sleeping much during the next couple weeks..

Unfortunately, his better eye is also at risk because he is not producing enough tears. I am medicating that eye every 2 hours as well. The previous family could not handle the commitment it took to help get Fluffy through this unless there was a guarantee he could keep his eyes, so they made the difficult decision to surrender him in order to receive the long-term care he needed.

Fluffy doesn’t understand that and he is sad, lost, and confused. My husband and I are doing our best to comfort him and tend to his medical and emotional needs. Please keep Fluffy in your prayers as we take one day at a time. 💜 I’d like to thank Dr. Burcham for allowing her sweet boy Bucky to donate blood which we made eye drops out of to help towards treating Fluffy during the first few days. Gina. Https://