Sweet Lincoln .. Stuck in a Fence … Sadly Passed Away

7/20/24 – On July 17 we asked for prayer for sweet Lincoln. He had been stuck in a fence which eventually had to be cut in order to free him. His tail was totally covered with maggots and it was already dying; his leg was broken. But the veterinary technician who had been contacted had hope and although we continue to be tight on funds, we wanted to give this kitten a chance. Lincoln was taken to one of our partner vets and saw a wonderful doctor who has helped us on many occasions. She worked for quite some time on little Lincoln and amputated his leg and tail. Everyone thought Lincoln would recover but, sadly, the following day he passed away. I spoke with the doctor yesterday who was extremely saddened when she heard the news from the veterinary technician whom the doctor knew very well. And, because of our long-term relationship with the hospital. the doctor generously covered the cost of the surgeries. Rest in Heaven, Sweet Lincoln. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Lincoln Needs Our Help

7/17/24 – Lincoln needs our help and although we have continued to be on a temporary hold from assisting with severe cases, we couldn’t turn our heads. Lincoln was dropped off at a veterinary clinic and a vet tech there contacted one of our friends who is an independent rescuer. Lincoln had been stuck half way through a chain-link fence; long enough that his broken/dead tail was filled with more maggots than the veterinary technician had ever seen. The homeowner who eventually saw him had to literally cut through the fence to get him out before she dropped him off but unable to help him. Lincoln also appeared to have a broken leg. Thankfully, our partner veterinary clinic, Patterson Veterinary Hospital was able to get him in tomorrow and we will know if the leg needs to be amputated; I’m sure the tail will have to be amputated. The veterinary technician who will be fostering Lincoln wasn’t sure he would make it through the night but he did and he is actually trying to walk on a broken leg. Please keep baby Lincoln in your prayers and if you have any extra funds, we would appreciate your donation so that we can do everything needed for this brave baby. Please note there is another photo of the tail that I won’t post because of the horrific condition of his tail. Thank YOU, diana

https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080