3/15/15 – Dear Friends, It is truly up to us to advocate for the voiceless. I share our friend, Tonya’s, heartfelt message not to make you sad but for you to have further proof of the importance of animals in our lives. They give us love, they give us purpose, and in our last hours give us comfort. ~ diana
“I work at an Alzheimer’s facility and this is our house kitty Bella..she came to live with us 4 years ago. She instantly fell for one of our residents. That resident passed away today. Bella stayed with her all day. When Lillian passed away today Bella laid on her hand to say goodbye. I usually contact you when I’m in need, so I thought I would share a sad but extremely sweet story. Bella was an abused starving stray when I got her and brought her to our facility!! ~ Tonya”