8/30/16 – Please share; a rescue or permanent home is needed. This past week we received a call for help from a 4 Paws 1 Heart follower who we’ve helped in the past. Here is her message:
“Mrs Diana, a family moved in down the street about two months ago and this is a very well…. let’s just say poor and uneducated family…. well today the little 7 year old comes to my house and says his dog’s gonna die; it needs some food. No one on this block, that I’ve asked knew they had a dog. It was being kept in the shed. Miss Diana, this poor dog is so skinny, I’d estimate him at about 40-60 lbs underweight, his ears are half gone from the flies eating them. I gained possession of the dog…. by God’s grace there was a free doghouse on CRAIGSLIST the minute I looked; it took me 20 mins to get. He was on a 2 foot leash standing in his own feces. I need help. I can’t keep him but I will foster him if you can help with his care. Idk how to treat a dog that looks this bad. He’s safe now in a clean doghouse on a rug in the backyard, he ate half of a huge bowl of food and almost drank the whole bowl of water. I’m going to clean up his ears the best I can now but we are gonna need help to save this baby. I will let him in the house after he gets cleared of disease and fleas… I don’t want to infect my pets.”
As always, we couldn’t turn away this poor boy, now known as Frankie. He was taken to one of our favorite vets, Dr. Steve, of Healthy Paws Veterinary Medical Center, and Frankie was found to be heart worm negative but very emaciated. Frankie received flea and heart worm preventative treatment and will be neutered when he is healthy enough, along with vaccines. He’s scheduled to see the doctor again in two weeks. Lauren, the rescuer, has reported that Frankie is quickly learning from the others in the household and is a real sweetheart craving affection and attention. If anyone can help Lauren with placement, please contact her at [email protected]. Unfortunately, the landlord has given orders that Frankie needs to be gone NOW. ~ diana