11/9/17 – An update on Eddie from our boy Chance:
“Hellooo Team Chance, it’s that time of night again for us to get our treats, kisses & cuddles..say our prayers, count our blessing and snuggle up together. We are so grateful to all our friends for your overwhelming response to our call for help for our KittysHelpingKittys Program. The food has been pouring, and we couldn’t be more grateful for your love & support for the kitty’s in our program, thankyou from the bottom of our hearts ❤.
Today we received the results of Eddies IFA test, sadly he is definitely positive for the Feline Leukemia Virus. It makes us sad because it was so preventable had his owners been more responsible. But…the good news is that Eddie will be safe & loved in a wonderful sanctuary designed to care for Eddies special needs. Eddies one very lucky boy thanks to some amazing people who have went above & beyond for him. Thankyou to his rescuers Donna & Cindy, and Marjorie Treppa, Martha, Auntie Debra & Lisa. And thankyou 4 Paws 1 Heart who backed all of Eddies medical & special testing. Because of all these people Eddie will be able to live out his life with love & dignity, safe, warm & happy ❤ Please, please…spay, neuter, vaccinate & KEEP US SAFE INSIDE!!!! Sweet dreams everybody, we love you! Love, licks, purrs, woofs & mews
❤ Chance & the Gang”