10/25/18 – Because of the many cats who have come to us for help, many people think we only assist abandoned/stray cats. But that is not the case–we are equal opportunity. The problem is that no matter how many cats we have helped to get spayed/neutered, the need never seems to change. And, the more stray cats, the more injuries and illnesses. We received the following from Theresa:
“I got him in June/July at 7 weeks old. My blind acquaintance/friend wanted a kitten and got him off the street on 7 mile and Woodward through a friend. She ended up realizing it was too hard for her and called me to take him back to where he came from. I told her I’m not taking him and dropping him back off outside so I brought him to my house and he is just the most loving hilarious cat with such funny quirks. I thank you so much for helping me to get him fixed. We don’t need any more kittens around the neighborhood just in case he ever got outside.”