Tom, Oreo,Sissy, and Cobain – All Rescued From the Streets During the Harsh Winter

6/19/20 – More of the kittens/cats who were given a second chance this past winter because of the village of rescuers, donors, and 4 Paws 1 Heart. Here is Sissy who was rescued from the streets and we paid for her spay and vaccines. And, we have have Tom and Oreo, at about 5-6 months old, kept showing up at a family’s home. The children fell in love and the family actually took care of their mite issues, eye infections, and vaccines. But, they needed help with spay/neuter. So we took care of that and everyone is living happily ever after. And, lastly (for now), is Cobain who, once again, kept showing up at someone’s home. No owner could be found and poor Cobain was riddled with fleas and very skinny. Her medical needs were taken care of and Cobain’s rescuer was to find her a furever home. These are just a few of the many stories of this past winter and we are forever grateful for every person who cares enough to not walk away from an animal in need. – diana 5:26:20 oreo 5:26:20sissy 5:26:20 sissy 5:26:20