7/14/21 – Walter Update from our good friend, Melissa. Please remember this sweet boy in your dreams. Also, please remember to maintain your pet’s/pets’ vaccines and prevention. – diana

We are a week post first heartworm injection. Walter is doing well. The first day was torture – he cried all night after I picked him up. We added some pain meds and he turned around pretty quickly. He is on complete rest until his treatment is over which is another 53 days (but who is counting)? He gets a second and third shot (deep into his back muscles) 28 and 29 days after the first. Then it’s 30 more days of complete rest while the heart worms die and his body breaks them down and absorbs them.
He is naturally a really calm dog so we don’t have to crate rest him (plus he goes crazy in the crate). The steroids, pain meds, and gabapentin have made his walking much better also so I don’t have to carry him as much. He loves to chew bones so those have been a great help in keeping him less bored.
My heart breaks for this dog and the treatment he has to endure. It has made me less complacent about ensuring Nali and Jonas get their treatment on time each month.
Here are a few updated pics…