3/23/23 – The Story of Claus as told by his rescuers from Run Around Sue Rescue:
–November, 2022 Claus and his litter mates came to us about 6 weeks old from Clarkston Michigan. They were surrendered after being found in a garage.
-January 12, 2023 We can’t thank 4 Paws 1 Heart enough for helping us help little Claus. We had been very worried about this little guy since being fixed back in December. We had him rechecked in December at All about Animals and they said he was healing fine, but after a couple weeks he was still very slow, lethargic and sleeps all the time. I reached out to 4 paws and was given approval to take him to Orion Animal Hospital for a second opinion. Claus was seen at Orion Animal Hospital for more in-depth testing. They did an ultrasound, X-rays and bloodwork and he will be treated for an Upper Respiratory infection and we will have a check up in 7 days.
-January 19th 2023. Check up day for Claus. Claus is doing better but still has a URI, so the Vet wants to add another antibiotic and eye drops. But let me tell you he is doing so much better; we have seen some improvements. He has a little life back in his eyes and even looks to you if you call his name. We will bring him back for a check up in a couple weeks.
-February 10th 2023 Check up day for Claus. Claus is doing so much better. His URI is 90% gone, he started his shots and we will bring him back in a few weeks to get his remaining shots and hopefully get him cleared.
-March 16th 2023. Check up day for Claus. Claus slipped backwards. He started getting really rattly, sounding like a broken purr. His eyes are watery and so we decided that it was best if i fostered him away from all the other rescues and the Vet has put him back on an antibiotic and eye ointment. He’s seems to be bouncing back quickly and is playing and getting his energy back and its only been 1 week. He does still have that broken purr from time to time which was actually mentioned at his appointment on February 10th so I will ask about that at his follow up. The vet did say that his immune system was probably low from being away from his momma so early, so hopefully now that he has his shots and he’s away from all the other cats he will be on his way to being healthy.
-3/23/23 – Claus’s brother and sister (Izzy and Cane) were adopted on December 23rd. Their momma has been following Claus’s story and has reached out often to see how he is doing. Recently she told us she would love to reunite Claus with his siblings as soon as he is well! So there is a happy ending waiting for our little boy thanks to 4 paws 1 heart for helping him get the care he needed. – Tina of Run Around Sue Rescue”
Thank you to Run Around Sue rescue and the many rescues who we often work with as a team to make a difference for some of the most vulnerable in our society. But without our supporters, it wouldn’t be possible. – diana
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080
P.S. Here are some photos during Claus’ medical journey.