3/28/23 – RIP Sweet Smokey. She was ‘dumped’ in the driveway of a family who lives around 36 mile road in Macomb County. Unfortunately, far too many sick and unwanted animals are ‘dumped’ in areas where people believe they can live out their lives even when very ill. Smokey was taken to one of our vets last week with swelling and infection of her mammary glands and the doctor diagnosed it as a very severe case of mastitis. Unfortunately, Smokey had a high fever and abscesses were already developing. The doctor gave medications and an appointment was made for today. When she was seen today the doctor found that she had lost almost 20% of her weight in just a week and the abscesses and infection were worse and her skin around the area was already dying. After a conversation with the doctor, the rescuer, and the transporter we decided to follow the doctor’s recommendation and humanely euthanize sweet Smokey. We were all confident that she had been suffering and the doctor was concerned that her condition was so extreme that even if a total mastectomy was considered, the doctor believed Smokey would not have made it through the surgery because of her weakened condition. As I discussed with her rescuer, we were all just thankful that Smokey didn’t die on the streets being hit by a car or devoured by animals while she laid dying. Instead, this beautiful family with children, roosters, chickens, and other cats were able to give her love that she did not have otherwise. Every living creature deserves to die with respect and love. Thank you to this rescue family who brokenheartedly did what was best for Smokey. – diana.
4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080