11/14/23 Sweet little Queso was found on the street in horrible neglected condition. His skin was raw, nails were over an inch long, urine and feces scalding, haunched back, limping, and terrified. His rescuer contacted us about 5 weeks ago and we began treating Queso. Last week he had his neuter, dental, and x rays of his spine were taken. There are a couple of vertebrae on his spine that are fused together. We don’t know the cause but all we can do at this stage is hope for a comfortable quality of life from here on out. His mouth was also rotten and he needed 6 teeth extracted, many were missing, and only 5 are left. His rescuer is committed and we did our best to assist in giving Queso the best possible start. If you would like to help towards the bills for this sweet boy our donation link is:

4paws1heart.org/donations P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

And from now until Nov 20th your donation is matched up to $1000, so this is the best time because your donation is doubled! Gina