
6/27/24 – Patches, very sweet, showed up an apartment complex and rescued by a very kind couple. Although friendly, no owner could be found and we authorized her to be seen by one of our favorite veterinary doctors, Dr. Mina, at Five Mile Animal Hospital. She was examined and treated for an upper respiratory infection but she appeared to be pregnant and Dr. Mina called to get my approval for an x ray. Yesterday I received an update from the rescuer, Brian. Patches is pregnant. Although she is being kept inside at this time, the rescuers are often out of town due to work and have asked if there is anyone willing for foster Patches through her birth and obviously help with adoption. 4 Paws 1 Heart will commit to making sure the family is spayed/neutered, vaccinated, and Patches is tested when appropriate. If anyone can help, please contact Brian at: [email protected] She is a beauty. – diana Donate Today during the $1,000 Match which ends July 4, 2024

Hoarding Cases, Mass Dumping, Contagious Diseases Amongst Stray Animals

6/26/24 – Unfortunately, most municipal animal control shelters/offices in our communities are not funded to do anything more than follow up on ‘complaints’. Very little is done to actually improve the situation — such as in hoarding cases, mass dumping, contagious diseases amongst stray animals, etc.

What is needed is funding for TNR and to stop assuming that because a good Samaritan decides to feed strays, they then become responsible for medical bills. Too much is left to the independent rescuers and rescue organizations who must rely on donations and work as a village with each other rather than the municipal organizations.

And, lastly, the low-cost clinics are overwhelmed with the need for spay/neuter and vaccines so necessary appointment are months out. A couple of weeks ago we were asked to help with a situation in which we thought there were just 12-15 cats who were ‘dumped’. Well, it turns out to be closer to 40.

Animal Control has been out on two occasions and warned the person who was feeding the animals and trying somehow to provide shelter but did nothing to make the situation better (such as spay/neuter/vaccinate). Many of the cats are very sick, a couple cats have required euthanasia, and they all require spay/neuter/vaccines.

And, in many cases, a place to go. We are doing the best we can to help in this situation as is All About Animals to help us keep the costs down. But this is about the 4th hoarding/dumping situation we’ve been involved with this year w/multiple cats being in similar conditions.

Here are some of the photos of cats being rescued in the most recent case with more photos to come. – diana Double your donation during our $1,000 MATCH which ends July 4, 2024. Thank YOU in advance for your help!

Double Donations Today – This is Bobo

6/25/24 – Please double your donation today so that we can continue to help the many orphan strays in our communities who have no one else but the kind people who rescue them and organizations like 4 paws 1 heart.

This is Bobo. A very kind couple, who had already rescued several others, had tried to catch him for several weeks. Finally, they were able to catch him before the 90+ degree temperatures began. He was in very bad shape and they suspected that he had been hit by a car or had gotten into a fight with another animal. He was unable to put weight on his leg, had a very swollen paw, and a wound on his neck. Fortunately, we were able to get Bobo into one of our partner veterinary clinics, Orion Animal Hospital, two days later.

Here is his rescuer’s report: “Medial patellar luxation … [causing lameness] Treatment: crate confinement for around 2 weeks Small (ACL) tear … [causing lameness] Treatment: also crate confinement Neutered Fever slightly elevated … tested positive for FIV Treatment: antibiotics Diarrhea … Treatment: de worming and probiotics in his food Pain … Treatment: Injection [lasts 3 days] then liquid pain meds [will try to put in food]

They did not give me a summary of the visit but this is what I understood … will call them Monday to make sure as I was a bit stressed. I am so happy that we have at least relieved some pain and that there is the possibility that the leg problems may heal on their own. The hope is that we can get putting weight on both front and back legs. We will take it one day at a time and I will try to socialize him during this ordeal but he is still growling this morning … I had hoped that the growling was more due to pain but we’ll give it time.

Thank you for making this possible. SHAN”. – diana P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48084

Sweet Abigail

6/22/24 – The $1,000 MATCH is on until July 4, 2024. A great opportunity to double your donation and help those who have no one else. Sweet Abigail is one such animal who, thankfully, was rescued by our Board member, Cynthia. We will be helping Abigail through her pregnancy and her and the babies post pregnancy.

Prayers that the birth is successful. Abigail is now in great, experienced and loving hands. – diana

P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Aurora – Rory to Her Furever Home

6/21/24 – It was May 23. 2024 when we posted about the rescue of Aurora. Last night our friend, Shayla, and rescuer of Aurora told me about the happy adoption.

Here it is: “Today was a bittersweet day. We said goodbye to Rory because she got her forever home. She’ll be living with her new mom and dad, two human sisters, and two fur brothers. I know she’s going to have a great life! She was with us exactly 30 days, but she took a little piece of my heart with her when they drove away.

As always, I can’t thank Diana Rascano , with 4 Paws 1 Heart, enough in backing me with this rescue. Diana, I wouldn’t be able to help any of the strays that have needed help over the last 10 years without you! Thank you a million times over!

Have a great life, – Shayla” Please don’t forget that you can DOUBLE YOUR DONATION between now and July 4 because of a generous friend who has offered a $1,000 Match. It’s your donations that make happy beginnings a reality. – diana

P.S. the last photo is when Aurora was first rescued.

Smudge, Tilly, and Blaze were found in a ditch

6/20/24 – Summer came early this week with storms and 90 degree weather. What this means to those of us involved with helping homeless animals is that the cases will be more severe and costly. Thankfully, a long-time supporter has offered to MATCH $1,000 in donations starting today and ending, JUNE 20 and ending JULY 4, 2024.

Smudge, Tilly, and Blaze were found in a ditch. Blaze had a severe eye infection and was immediately taken in to a veterinary clinic where the rescuer covered the bill.

Smudge and Tilly (tuxedo) cats were in a healthier state and we were asked to cover their FIV/FeLv test, vaccines, and spay neuter. We agreed to help and both are scheduled at a partner veterinary clinic. – diana

Donations for the $1,000 MATCH can be mailed to P.O. Box 84, St. Clair Shores, MI. 48080

Happy Update for Wendy

6/19/24 – Happy Update. Wendy’s story was posted on 6/17/24 and this past Monday she had her leg amputated after her leg bone was shattered from a bullet. Anyone with a pet can appreciate the cost of medical treatment today. J

Just as everything else in our lives, inflation has hit every person and business hard. And, veterinary clinics are no exception. Although, donations have been understandably slow, we found it hard to say no and Wendy’s rescuer is so appreciative for our help that they are helping in raising funds for 4 Paws 1 Heart.

So, the good news, Wendy is doing great and she is loving being in a home. She is eating well, using her litter box like a champ, and loves to be petted.

Here she is post surgery. – diana

P.S. She also was given a middle name Wendy ELAINE.

Sneakies Made the Right Move Following McKenzie

6/17/24 – Sneakies made the right move when he decided to follow McKenzie for over one mile.

Sneakies is a beautiful young male cat that randomly appeared in her neighborhood and ended up following her for over a mile while she was on a walk. He seemed pretty desperate for human contact. McKenzie thinks he might have been dumped. She attempted to find his owner without any luck; there was no microchip.

McKenzie asked if we could help with his testing, neuter, and vaccines. Authorization was give for Sneakies to be treated at one of our favorite veterinary partners, Five Mile Animal Hospital, with Dr. Mina. – diana

Please Keep Wendy in Your Prayers

6/17/24 – Please keep Wendy in your prayers. Although donations are still understandably slow, we couldn’t refuse to help this poor stray who showed up in a family’s barn after being shot in the leg.

The kind couple took her to a vet where it was determined that her bone was shattered by the bullet. The doctor recommended amputation. We were contacted for help in that the couple could not afford the surgery but guaranteed that if we could help, Wendy would be forever inside.

Wendy is now scheduled for surgery at one of our partner veterinary clinics, West Flint Animal Hospital. – diana

Happy Update for Tiger

6/12/24 – Happy Update. It was in mid January, 2024 when we were contacted about a stray cat who wasn’t putting weight on one of his legs. The person contacting us had been feeding the cat since summer.

Tiger was seen by Dr. Mina, Five Mile Animal Hospital, who determined Tiger had a severe abscess on his leg. His rescuer, Nina, was to try and find a home for Tiger but —- guess what? Her boyfriend fell in love.

Yesterday she sent me this photo and said that Tiger is “doing amazing”. – – Your donations save lives and brings a special kind of happiness to homes. – diana