Hope, Love, and Joy were Found Abandoned

8/17/24 – Hope, Love, and Joy were found abandoned; their mom could not be found.

Thankfully, a kind woman brought them into her home and contacted us to see if we could help having them seen for what appeared to be upper respiratory infections.

They were taken to All About Animals in Flint where they received oral antibiotics and eye drops.

Another rescue will be helping the family with the kittens’ vetting when they are old enough. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Meet Toast

8/17/24 – Meet Toast. She was seen hanging outside of an apartment complex. In late July, we were contacted by a concerned person who wanted to catch her and take her in but she needed assistance to have Toast vaccinated, tested, and spayed.

We were happy to help but it took awhile for Toasted to be convinced she would do better as a pet. Toast is now safe and scheduled for her medical on August 23. –

diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Donations continue to be slow while the need continues to be non-stop. Every penny will help save a life!

Bridget Rescues Sick Kitty

8/17/24 – Kitty was rescued by a very kind couple who found her wandering, declawed, and with an eye infection or upper respiratory infection.

Her finder, Bridget, contacted every resource in the community to find an owner but no one stepped up. Bridget will examined and treated at West Flint Animal Hospital.

Bridget and her husband hope to give Kitty a furever home. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

More Prayers Needed for Asher

8/16/24 Asher update. For everyone following his story and my posts, I want to let you know the swelling around his elbow was an abscess. It ruptured around 1am Wednesday morning and fortunately I was able to get him seen as an emergency. Thank you Moore Veterinary Hospital especially Dr. Henry, LVT Trisha, and all who assisted yesterday.

Asher lost a large portion of skin from his elbow down and this will hopefully heal without a soft tissue surgeon specialist. The staff are doing wet to dry bandages daily and he is on meds for pain.

We added in a special ordered antibiotic for broader spectrum coverage. This poor guy has been on antibiotics for 1 month already! We don’t know the cause of this abscess and we won’t know how he will do until we take it day to day. As much skin as possible was closed. Please keep prayers going and please send in a donation if you can. https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ Gina Asher is 13 weeks old and he has been through so much.

Big Daddy and Farrah Both Stray Dogs

8/14/24 – Big Daddy and Farrah are both stray dogs found in Detroit.

They are being fostered by Kelly C. whom we recently assisted with Duke. As always, these very sweet dogs needed their first round of vaccines, heart worm test, and neuter/spay.

They are scheduled to have everything completed in September with our good friend at Comfort’s Place in Westland.

Anyone interested in adopting these beauties should contact Kelly at: [email protected]

diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ Your donations SAVE LIVES. THANK YOU.

Cora with Streethearts Animal Rescue

8/13/24 – On August 8 I received the following from our friends at Streethearts Animal Rescue:

“Cora was recently rescued from a very dangerous situation. Cora was found way down on the rocks, below the bridge on Carpenter Rd near Stepping Stone falls (Flint, MI area). We do not know how she got down there but we know this is an area where dogs are dumped often. A very brave individual made his way down the very steep & wooded slope to get to Cora, gained her trust, picked her up & carried her all the way back up. Once she was on solid ground, she immediately rolled over for belly rubs! Cora is with one of our foster’s now & is the sweetest girl but is, of course, Heart worm positive. I have included the photo of her, looking down from the top of the bridge to down on the rocks & one of her once she got up on solid ground. – Linda”

Although funds are limited, we agreed to at least cover Cora’s pre-30-day treatment in hopes that our September 29 fundraiser will be a great success and we will then go on to cover Cora’s actual heart worm injections.

We continue to be so very thankful to the many amazing rescue organizations in our communities and we try to assist them whenever possible. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Any Help for Asher is Greatly Needed and Appreciated

8/11/24 – Unfortunately, we don’t know what is wrong with Asher. A lot has happened since he was found a month ago. He got over what we think was toxoplasmosis and now he has a painful swelling in his front right elbow. I spent a large portion of Friday talking with doctors from 4 different hospitals.

He may need to go to an internal medicine specialist or orthopedic both of which we cannot afford.. Tomorrow we will be adding in another antibiotic that has to be special ordered. He is on pain and anti inflammatory meds. This could be an infection in the bone or joint but he is not responding to the antibiotic that treats bone infection. He is very painful.

Any help for Asher is greatly needed and appreciated. https://4paws1heart.org/donations/ Gina

Continuing to Help in Making a Difference

8/10/24 – Continuing to help in making a difference in the lives of the abandoned, stray, and abused. Each year seems to be the worst when it comes to the dangers so many strays face and this year is no different. It certainly takes a Village and without your donations babies like these would die on the streets. Thank you to everyone involved. – diana https://4paws1heart.org/donations/

Smoke Appears to Have Been Dumped

8/10/24 – Smoke appeared to have been ‘dumped’ and was being fed by a friend of 4 paws 1 heart. This past week he showed up with an abscess on his cheek. He was taken to our partner veterinary hospital,

Groesbeck Animal Hospital, where he had extensive blood work and treated for the abscess, and infection. When the infection is cleared he will be vaccinated, tested, and neutered.

Our friend found a great home for this very sweet boy who loves attention. – diana https://4paws1heart.org//donations/