Little One, Bunny, and Vivian – Two Were Near Death and Two Others Had Already Died

5/9/20 – Remember these cuties? There were 11 kittens in total who may have come from 2 moms. Two were so sick they didn’t make it. Little One was so sick, our friend Jo was up every two hours checking on him. A couple of days later she got Vivian whose eyes were totally shut from an upper respiratory infection. Then she got Bunny who also needed medical attention but wasn’t as sick as the others. Now look at them!! Love and care can make miracles happen!! – Anyone interested in adoption should contact Jo at: Of course they won’t be ready until they are will enough and big enough to get vaccinated and spayed/neutered. – diana one 5:9:20 vivian 5:9:20 bunny 5:9:20