Winston – Miracles Couldn’t Happen Without Our Supporters

12/1/15 – And, this is how your donations are spent. Not to mention, the thousands of animals we have spayed and neutered over the past five years. Don’t forget that all donations made today (up to $1,500), will be matched by our Secret Santa. ~ diana

‪#‎Giving‬ Tuesday Update on our gun shot wound dog: He had surgery about 3:00 a.m. The amputation surgery went very well and we were able to have him neutered at the same time. He is in recovery at the moment and resting comfortably with his pain meds. A huge thank you to Dr. Pamela Graves for doing this major surgery.
I’ve included a pic of his foot prior to the amputation, and as you can see his foot was shattered beyond repair. There was no way we could save the leg. Thank you for all the prayers. We’ll update again tomorrow. Gina

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